
25 Moments Making Us Smile Today

Two images from /r/mademesmile
Two images from /r/mademesmile

Published October 17, 2024

Published October 17, 2024

Life has a lot of ups and downs. There will always be bad days and good days. Many bad things happen in life, it can be stressful and hard to be alive at times, but amongst them all are so many good things as well. That's important to remember. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and look at all of the happy and wholesome things in the world.

It can be hard to pull away from the hustle and bustle of the real world but with places like Reddit's /r/mademesmile, it's a little easier. This subreddit is home to so many images and videos of moments that made someone smile during their day. No matter what kind of day someone is having, there is always something to smile about, even if it's something small. Here are 25 certifiably blessed images and adorable photos that made people smile today.

Wholesome routines

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Arm bumps

(Source: Reddit)

Think about it…

(Source: Reddit)

Unsinkable Sam

(Source: Reddit)

Home Alone

(Source: Reddit)

Just this

(Source: Reddit)

Reserved parking!

(Source: Reddit)

This box of cool rocks

(Source: Reddit)

This campaign

(Source: Reddit)

"The farewell email from my calculus professor"

(Source: Reddit)

That's pretty sweet

(Source: Reddit)

Just being a burrito

(Source: Reddit)

Goals, honestly

(Source: Reddit)

So happy for them

(Source: Reddit)

Stopped to have a look

(Source: Reddit)

Way too cute

(Source: Reddit)

"Note from my daughter that she slipped into my purse"

(Source: Reddit)

He's built different

(Source: Reddit)

Not the same without Tabasco

(Source: Reddit)

A great team

(Source: Reddit)

Let him do his job

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome Olympic moment

(Source: Reddit)

Snoop Dogg and Shante Broadus have been together for over 30 years

(Source: Reddit)

"I left the room for a minute and heard giggling"

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/mademesmile, wholesome, cute, aww, mario kart, relationships, gaming, throwback, nostalgia, kids, eye bleach, parenting, parents, facts, history, cats, animals, home alone, movies, dogs, school, math, teaching, love, twitter, tortoise, collections,