Two images from /r/kidsaref***ignstupid

25 Moments Of Childhood Stupidity

Parenting is not for everyone. Raising children takes a lot of time, patience and money. Someone has to do it, though. Raising kids comes with its ups and downs because, let's face it, they aren't very smart. Kids can't really be blamed for doing dumb things, it's just what they do, and they don't know any better. As annoying as the dumb things they do can be, they can also be really entertaining. As stupid as their actions can be, once the annoyance has worn off, there is a lot of humor to it.

As a way to cope with childhood stupidity and to share the hilarity that goes on, Reddit users share the best and worst things their kids do during the day. There are plenty of stories, videos and images of insane things kids do or have done to be laughed at. Some are so bad they might make someone rethink the whole parenting thing. Here are 25 kids being adorably dumb.

Well, they tried

Ellie Hawkes @elspells13 Follow 6yo (to her crying brother): "It's okay to be sad, sometimes we need to let our feelings out, just let yourself be sad." Me: "Oh darling, that's so lovely, well done. Why is he crying?" 6yo: "I hit him."

(Source: Reddit)

Can they?

meghan @deloisivete Follow My 5yo asked if penguins can walk down stairs and now I can't get that image out of my head

(Source: Reddit)

Not creepy at all

James Breakwell, Explodi @XplodingUnicorn She's been talking into the vent for a while At first I thought it was cute Now I'm afraid someone is talking back ...

(Source: Reddit)


Taylor Schumann @taylorsschumann This child just tried to convince me to hang this watering can full of water above the door for a prank. "Who are you pranking?" "you" ring

(Source: Reddit)

Come on Titus…

Lifeguard at the lake: "EVERYONE PLEASE EXIT THE WATER, WE'RE LOOKING FOR A 5 YEAR OLD BOY IN BLUE SHORTS NAMED TITUS" Little boy standing next to me in blue shorts: "hey, my names Titus too"

(Source: Reddit)


> Woman in my train carriage smoothly telling the conductor that her son is travelling free because he's only four, while the kid repeatedly yells: "BUT I'M NOT FOUR"

(Source: Reddit)

Poor kid is finally free

Li'l Edie Pentland @JennyPentland Follow I just asked my 8yo to quit yelling and he said, "I'm NOT yelling. This is my voice and all my life I've been whispering. Now I'm free!"

(Source: Reddit)

Hide and seek champ

(Source: Reddit)

She has a point

1d (4yo daughter is crying her eyes out) Me: "What's wrong, tutu?" 4yo (moving her hands on the sofa): "If my fingers were markers they would ruin the sofa!" Me: "But your fingers...are not...markers?" 4yo (peak distress): "I said IF!" 8 1750 831

(Source: Reddit)

New dog every walk

Molly Priddy → @mollypriddy 4yo neighbor is thrilled to learn i walk the same dog every day "this looks like this same dog from last time!" "it is!" "DAD ITS THE SAME DOG AS LAST TIME" 02:57 15/05/2019 Twitter for iPhone 1,536 Retweets 17.2K Likes

(Source: Reddit)

Close enough

James Breakwell ❤ @XplodingUnicorn We went into the basement for a tornado. My 3-year-old thought we were hiding from a tomato. Honestly, that scared her even more. 12:13 PM - 2 May 2016 3,617 12,727 Follow

(Source: Reddit)

Third grade proverbs

Name: Finish the Proverb A proverb is a short saying that shares a general truth or a piece of advice. The table below shows the first half of several common proverbs. You may have heard of some of these proverbs, and others you will not know. Fill in the blank boxes to show how you think each proverb should end. 1. Those in glass houses shouldn't 2. Strike while the iron is 3. Honesty is the best 4. The grass is always greener 5. An apple a day 6. Don't bite the hand that 7. Rome wasn't built in 8. It's no use crying over 9. You can't make an omelet without 10. Learn to walk before you 11. The squeaky wheel gets 12. A rolling stone 13. Many hands make 14. When in Rome, do 15. Absence makes the heart Knock off Thing than sand keeps the docteramy you own "Hawwall that eggs walk hurts you hand a big live break

(Source: Reddit)

Wow, so nice

> E. Walk (Mr. Walker) @Walkerveli One of the kids at my job wrote me a nice lil letter Q Dearmr.walker you are ugly

(Source: Reddit)

Glasses = intelligence

When I was a kid I thought only smart people wore glasses. I told my parents I had trouble seeing so they took my to the eye doctor and I pretended to have poor vision. I ended up wearing glasses I couldn't see out of for a month before I finally confessed. I was a total dumba

(Source: Reddit)

That stings

Carrie Thompson, J.D. @ctkat1 I was walking in the park and a little kid came barreling down the path on a bike, with his 10 year old brother screaming, "Don't crash into the old lady! Watch out for the old lady!" I looked around to see where the imperiled old lady was, and realized he meant me. I was 29.

(Source: Reddit)

"So I don't get toothpaste in my eyes"


(Source: Reddit)

Of course they did

43/4 From oddlyspecific community on Reddit Drew Sanocki @drewsanocki My 9yo son took my iphone and in <5 min sent high rez close up shots of my dog's clenched sphincter to the following: my mom, my biz partner, wife, guy I went to grad school with in 2000, HSBC, my accountant, San Diego Blood Bank, and Shake Shack's text bot.

(Source: Reddit)

I get it

w1tchmom Bedtime was half an hour ago. My six year old just walked out, bleary eyed, and asked his father if a duck is a predator. orriculum Some things are too important to go to bed. without knowing

(Source: Reddit)

What a tragedy

@bloodpilots when my brother was like 9 he said "get the f*g" instead of "get the flag" on roblox so they banned him and he cried so hard he threw up on the carpet 2:53 am 15/01/2019 Twitter for iPhone 1. 165 Retweets 1,518 Likes

(Source: Reddit)

They work in mysterious ways

That Mom Tho @mom_tho My 3 year old, who doesn't notice her pants are inside out or that her shoes. are on the wrong feet, can spot a diced onion in her food from 3 feet away

(Source: Reddit)

Can you spell Autumn?

When I was around 11 - 12, one of my teachers asked the whole class why Americans call Autumn 'Fall'. He said it was because Americans couldn't say or spell the word 'Autumn' so they'd call it 'Fall' instead... Me, being quite gullible, thought this was fact. I believed that every single American couldn't spell or say the word Autumn for a few years.

(Source: Reddit)

She knows what she likes

my daughter made her own jeopardy game but could only think of one topic More To many Overflowing Animals Animals Animal S Animals 100 200 at is the 14 of the 100 it is the 100 is the pro 777 100 if the proper Pat what is the ang elulity+ of is correctly 17 200 200 200 300 300 300 300

(Source: Reddit)

Give him a break

ZS-DAZ @daz_inc_ I though Micheal Jackson has to stop whatever he is doing and sing when I play his CD. As a result I never played it at night to give him some family time Umaima Baig @chalokkk What is the dumbest thing you believed as a child?

(Source: Reddit)


When I grow up, I want to be... something

(Source: Reddit)

No way

celvice manigotte Today at 1:44 PM I remember this one time my cat got really sick so he went to the vet and my parents told me the cat was going on a vacation when me and my sister asked where dad said China and so one night we went the the Chinese buffet and me and my sister really asked the employees if we could see our cat

(Source: Reddit)

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