
25 Moments Of Completely Accidental Comedy

Two images from /r/accidentalcomedy
Two images from /r/accidentalcomedy

Published June 06, 2024

Published June 06, 2024

Some of the best kinds of jokes are the ones that happen by accident. Sure, a well-constructed joke can be great, thanks to a good lead-up and punchline, but sometimes the surprise of accidental comedy is truly golden. It doesn't happen often, like many things in life stuff doesn't tend to line up or work out perfectly, but because it is uncommon that just makes it so much better. When it does happen, it is just courteous to share the moment with the world, so everyone can see the super silly moment of accidental comedy for themselves.

Luckily, there is a whole subreddit to house these moments, so that everyone can join in on the fun. Reddit's aptly titled /r/accidentalcomedy is a subreddit made to see and share every little coincidental piece of humor and every silly occurrence of juxtaposition. So here are 25 moments of accidental comedy no one was expecting, but everyone appreciates so much.

Someone didn't proofread

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Indeed they are

(Source: Reddit)

Well then

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They need to rename their band

(Source: Reddit)

Lined up perfectly

(Source: Reddit)

So sad

(Source: Reddit)

The Flash is running

(Source: Reddit)

Never forget this moment

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Is that so

(Source: Reddit)

Not the time

(Source: Reddit)

If possible

(Source: Reddit)

So excited

(Source: Reddit)

Bad placement

(Source: Reddit)

Accidental threat

(Source: Reddit)

Your mom

(Source: Reddit)

Supply and demand

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Google

(Source: Reddit)

Fresh knew what they were doing

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What an unfortunate brochure

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They did what?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/accidentalcomedy, accidental comedy, school, fail, facepalm, facebook, fb, gen z, kids, bad hair, reddit, netflix, get out, juxtaposition, this is fine, the flash, art, dogs, alec baldwin, ironic, dad jokes, reviews, fast food, collections,