Two images from /r/mademesmile

25 Moments Of Happiness To Make Everyone Smile

It is easy to get caught up in the bad things in life. That's probably because there are a whole lot of them, unfortunately. There are plenty of negative things that happen in the world. Between people struggling, the news, and all of the dark humor around, sometimes it can be hard to find things to smile about. There are still plenty of great things that go on in the world though, there is always something to smile about even if it is something small.

It's the little things in life that truly matter and that's what Reddit's /r/MadeMeSmile is there for. This subreddit is made to collect all of the most wholesome moments people have seen and experienced all around the world. They can be anything from a cute animal to an act of kindness. Here are just 25 of those things that made people smile today, to make someone else smile.

"Girl at work makes everyone cake on their birthday"

(Source: Reddit)

His inner Gru

Denver Nuggets @nuggets Going to play basketball or going to steal the moon?

(Source: Reddit)

Free plants!

FREE PLANTS- PLANTS- COLEUS Please take a free plant! grown by Granda Mitch, using Our used coffee grinds!

(Source: Reddit)

Designed by Make-a-Wish Kids

IT'SUGAR Make-A-Wish. IT'SUGAR Make-A-Wish LIGHT choco LATE choco LATE ALLY GU a Artwork designed by Wish Kid Declan. Premium Milk Chocolate MMIT 2.071850) $2.00 UGAR QD Artwork designed by Wish Kid Declan. Premium Milk Chocolate NET WT 3 OZ (859) $2.00 UGAR Re-usa

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Best friends


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So sweet

r/Resident AlienTVshow u/Comfortable Common439 23h Met Alan and blew it I created a throw away because I am so embarrassed by this that I don't want it associated with my main, but I want to tell the story. I went to Fan Fest Boston and met Alan on Saturday. I wanted to tell him that Resident Alien was the first show that made me laugh after my husband died this winter, that it helped me to feel human again, and I wanted to thank him for that. But he had had lines of people waiting for him all day and he looked exhausted even though he was being so kind to everyone, the woman helping him at the autograph table needed a restroom break, he still had a couple of hours of photo ops ahead of him, and I just got too nervous about taking up his time and knew I couldn't do it without crying. So I stood there awkward and stupid, made a dumb Firefly joke while he signed my picture, and will now spend the rest of my days regretting how I missed my chance to let him know that his work really affected someone and helped them through a hard time. I feel like this community might understand and maybe the show has helped some of you in a similar way so I wanted to share my story even though I missed my chance to tell the person I really wanted to tell it to. I know he probably wouldn't care and he would forget by the end of the day so I'm not sure why it's bothering me so much, but I just really wanted to say thank you. Nº Add a comment Х r/ResidentAlienTVsh... 5 people here wanted to say thank you. Nº 404 73 4 ActuAIALANtudyk • 21h تی My friend sent me this. Sorry you feel like you missed your opportunity. I have read your message. I love that you have such a beautiful connection with the show. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I'm glad you're finding your laugh again and honored that I'm part of that. Your story and similar stories I've heard are so touching. It makes me feel like my work, which I appreciate getting to do, has worth beyond the Hollywood hustle of it all and the BS business of show business. Come by if you want today I'll be here till 230 then I have to go catch a plane. I'd love to say thank you in person:) Still tired:) (GIF) Add a comment Reply 12 586 GIF

(Source: Reddit)

This card

Every moment of living, learning, and loving has made you who you are... Someone I'm proud to be with. Someone I'm lucky to have in my life. Someone I love so much. Happy Birthday I Found this card on the ground outside Walmart thats why theres no envelope. I love you ♡ ♡Becca

(Source: Reddit)

Baby Pom Pom

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Fantasy doors

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Rats and their paintings

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This sign


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Phil Courtney Two self portraits 50 years apart. 21 -71. Both are oil paintings. The first one was done when I was in art school at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

(Source: Reddit)

Oddly cute

BILLY @BILLYhavs. 13h I'm crying. This couple had their pet llama as a groomsman

(Source: Reddit)

Uh oh

Neighborhood feud. My neighbor put a United Federation of Planets flag on his house. The neighbors across the street just raised a Klingon flag. It's not looking good... LED EEDBY J@thegen_xe

(Source: Reddit)

Popcorn for days

(Source: Reddit)

Love is in the air

stove Follow 800 @nolemonnomelon was the guy who made my sandwich in love with me?? i tried to pay and he said "you're all set" and this was the receipt 1 Pita $11.05 Falafel $0.00 Sub Total $11.05 Love -$11.05 Order Total $0.00 Don't miss out on Rewards! Sign up on our app to join CAVA Rewards. Visit with your receipt to earn Rewards on this order 2:16 AM - 24/05/24 From Earth 1.3M Views .

(Source: Reddit)

It's the little things

11:15 iMessage Today 11:13 AM I want you to know something very important. 15 years ago or so, you made me an egg sandwich. You scrambled some eggs in a pan with some salt and pepper and put it in a bowl, added some mayonnaise and put it on some toasted bread. It was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had in my life. Now, at 22 weeks pregnant, I have had that exact same sandwich twice a weeks. Thank you. + iMessage 774

(Source: Reddit)

So happy for them

Image: fjdelvalle/Getty via Octopuses, crabs, and lobsters will be recognized as 'sentient beings' in UK

(Source: Reddit)


Eric Alper @ThatEricAlper Local museum posts image of a 1965 school desk inscribed with "Benny & Linda". Benny responds in comments. Benny INDA Beni Yes I carved that sitting in the auditorium of Central High School my freshman year before leaving for LaSalle. Linda and I are still together after having three wonderful girls and 50 years of marriage. Told my friends in fourth grade I was going to marry Linda and here we are heading for 51 years together on August 1. Smartest thing I ever did in my life was marry this kind and pretty lady. Thanks for sharing.

(Source: Reddit)

A perfect meal

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My sisters' dog was at the park and another golden retriever ran up to play. after talking to the owner it turns out they're brothers from the same litter!

(Source: Reddit)

He is one of a kind

"Weird Al" Yankovic turned down a $5 million beer endorsement deal. He thought it was ethically wrong because a lot of his fans were young and impressionable. 3/1

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome moment

BEST STORY OF THE DAY: South Dallas middle school started a "Breakfast with Dads" program but many dads couldn't make it and several students didn't have father figures. The school posted a Facebook request for 50 volunteer fathers... 600 fathers from all backgrounds showed up...

(Source: Reddit)

The only acceptable bare toes

4 4 A 2 0/175

(Source: Reddit)

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