25 Moments Where Things Went Totally Wrong

Sometimes bad stuff happens in life and there is truly nothing that can be done to avoid it. It's just the way the world goes, there are good days and bad days, good moments and terrible moments. Unfortunately the bad times can be really bad, and ruin a whole day, or week, or month. It could be something small like a laundry mishap or some technical difficulties, or it could be something big like a crashed car.
Whatever may be weighing down the day, it's good to know that no one is alone in their difficulties. In fact, there are so many people experiencing unfortunate scenarios every day, and many of them can be found all over social media. There are so many posts featuring people's misfortunes and mishaps, kind of as a form of therapy. To feel better about your own day, here are 25 moments of things going completely wrong during someone's otherwise normal day.