25 Odd Products Someone Had The Bright Idea To Make
There are a lot of products out there in the world to buy. The store shelves are filled with new items and there are new ads for products to be seen all over the web. The world is an endless pit of things to get someday. Somehow, though, people are still coming up with new inventions. At this point, the things being made are pretty strange, because most of it has already been done. It's hard to say whether half of these things are truly necessary or not, but one thing for certain is that there is a whole lot of variety out there.
Whether it's a new snack flavor combination or a new piece of revolutionary technology, the world is always coming up with something new to see and try. Reddit's /r/ofcoursethatsathing is a subreddit that showcases all of the neat products out there for anyone to buy. Some are pretty interesting, and others are the kinds of things someone sees and says, "Of course that's a thing."