
25 Odd Products That Are Definitely In Stock Now

Two images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing
Two images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing

Published January 09, 2025

Published January 09, 2025

There are new products and inventions coming out all the time. Everyone wants to be the person to come up with the next best thing. It might seem like everything has been done by now, but the truth is that there are still new things to be made. There are plenty of things out there, like gadgets and snacks, that no one has a clue actually exists.

While it's fun and nice to have options, do most of these odd products really need to be out there? Like, does the planet really need every single flavor of chips possible? Does everyone need to collaborate with each other to make strange hybrid products? Probably not. Companies persevere, though, and there is no end to the piles of new products that come through store doors every week.

Many of these odd items can be found online. If they aren't online, many people share them when they see them on store shelves. So, here are 25 interesting and strange items available for sale now.

The turtle leash

(Source: Reddit)

Skateboards for pets

(Source: Reddit)

Quite the colour

(Source: Reddit)

Reese's canned iced coffee

(Source: Reddit)

Doomsday lemonade

(Source: Reddit)

And, leninade!

(Source: Reddit)

A Jesus chatbot

(Source: Reddit)

Beer shampoo

(Source: Reddit)

Scooter bike

(Source: Reddit)

Of course…

(Source: Reddit)

Mega pixie sticks

(Source: Reddit)

Betty Ford beer

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Dell seasonings?

(Source: Reddit)

Trouble funko

(Source: Reddit)

Jaw exerciser

(Source: Reddit)

Mouth tape

(Source: Reddit)

Cosmetics fridges

(Source: Reddit)

Dino nuggets pillows

(Source: Reddit)

The soft cabinet

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ramen for breakfast

(Source: Reddit)

Ranch ice cream

(Source: Reddit)

Chalk pencils

(Source: Reddit)

Willie Nelson chia pet

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: of course that's a thing, /r/ofcoursethatsathing, weird products, hmmm, mildly interesting, reddit, weird product, for sale, the internet, social media, /r/mildlyinteresting, interesting products, odd products,