
25 Oddities Made By People With Questionable Taste

Two images from r/ATBGE
Two images from r/ATBGE

Published February 09, 2024

Published February 09, 2024

There is a lot of care, time, and effort that goes into the creation of art. Being an artist is not a job for everyone. Some people have a natural talent for crafting, whether the craft be sculpting, clothes making, or something technical like working on vehicles. In general, though, the process of making anything is hard and time-consuming. So for any piece of art, there is credit to be given. Sometimes though these skilled hands end up attached to some very odd minds. People come up with all kinds of odd ideas that are a little questionable taste-wise. Like why would anyone actually want to wear that? Or display that in their home? I guess there is something out there for everyone.

Reddit's /r/ATBGE, which stands for "awful taste, but great execution", is full of the world's weirdest oddities. These things were clearly made with a lot of care, but in a very strange way. Here are 25 creations from the minds of some very unique individuals.

This Tattoo

(Source: Reddit)

The Remix

(Source: Reddit)

Offroad Smart Car

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Teeth Nails

(Source: Reddit)

The Hello Kitty Mohawk

(Source: Reddit)

These Shoes

(Source: Reddit)

This Kilted Chair

(Source: Reddit)

It's… Kind of Cool

(Source: Reddit)

Banana Shoes

(Source: Reddit)

Clogs with Toes

(Source: Reddit)

It's a Plane and a Truck

(Source: Reddit)

Grand Piano Marble Bathtub

(Source: Reddit)

Hand Knitted King Charles

(Source: Reddit)

Sea Corn

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

These Shoes

(Source: Reddit)

Basketball Heels

(Source: Reddit)

These Christmas Nails

(Source: Reddit)

Skin Hats

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Jean Dress

(Source: Reddit)

The Toilet Sculpture

(Source: Reddit)

This Corset

(Source: Reddit)

This Cowboy Hat

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: poor taste, hmmm, bad tattoos, tattoo fail, america, usa, maga, star wars, mcdonalds, cars, vehicles, nike, fashion, shoes, ikea, nail art, haircut, hello kitty, kilts, animals, taxidermy, lion, bananas, food, royal family, art, hair, collections,