
25 Oddly Specific Observations That Are Too True

Two images from /r/oddlyspecific
Two images from /r/oddlyspecific

Published June 08, 2024

Published June 08, 2024

Oddly specific situations are the kinds of situations that are a little awkward to explain. They are unusual and require quite a bit of rambling to get the whole point across. Oddly specific situations or questions usually end with "asking for a friend" because of this awkwardness, but everyone knows that it is actually a question from the poster. Something that is oddly specific is surrounded by a cloud of uncertainty. How did someone come up with that question? How did someone get into that situation? Or how did someone come up with something so perfect to say?

While they may be odd, they are funny too, which is why there is a whole subreddit for these oddly specific things. Reddit's /r/oddlyspecific is a subreddit made to collect everything oddly specific. From people describing something to people in unthinkable situations. Here are 25 strangely specific quotes from interesting individuals online.

Hey, what?

(Source: Reddit)

Are they?

(Source: Reddit)

He will know

(Source: Reddit)

What a specific feature…

(Source: Reddit)

At least they're honest

(Source: Reddit)

So helpful

(Source: Reddit)

No one goes to the fifth floor

(Source: Reddit)

Let's not

(Source: Reddit)

Someone had an experience

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Clown activities

(Source: Reddit)

51 minutes

(Source: Reddit)

Why would she do this?

(Source: Reddit)

Did anyone have this?

(Source: Reddit)

Don't cheat on this man

(Source: Reddit)

Got my eyes on HR Brian

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine that

(Source: Reddit)

The 11 Rs

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Do it

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

He has something to say

(Source: Reddit)

Why, though?

(Source: Reddit)

That checks out

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/oddlyspecific, oddly specific, hmmm, twitter, food, new york, cars, bumper stickers, polls, boxing, chipotle, burrito, clowns, oddly terrifying, spotify, marriage, sleep, school, kids, reddit, cheating, divorce, funny signs, chris pine, collections,