
25 Oddly Specific Statements That Are A Little Too Real

Two images from /r/oddlyspecific
Two images from /r/oddlyspecific

Published about a month ago

Published about a month ago

At one point or another, most people have seen something and thought it to be a little too specific. Sentences that are really oddly specific are kind of funky and kind of bewildering to see. Something that is oddly or suspiciously specific could be someone asking a question which ends in "asking for a friend". Something oddly specific could be a headline describing the strange actions of a wild person. Or an oddly specific moment could just be a random comment. Oddly specific things are oddly entertaining, that's that.

Oddly specific sentences pop up all the time; there is no warning when something suspicious might rear its head. Oddly specific moments could be online, they could also be in real life. It's exciting when things get real, so be on the lookout for them. For those who enjoy the odd things in life, here are 25 oddly specific sentences everyone will love seeing.

If it works…

(Source: Reddit)

No more than 328 bars

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Lower your expectations

(Source: Reddit)

As opposed to…?

(Source: Reddit)

I get it

(Source: Reddit)

Side eye

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No owl talk

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Still though…

(Source: Reddit)

Totally cool

(Source: Reddit)

Truly disturbed

(Source: Reddit)

Glad you asked

(Source: Reddit)

Seems a little harsh

(Source: Reddit)

He's a real boy

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Denny's

(Source: Reddit)

This is a good one…

(Source: Reddit)

Eventually they turn into monkey

(Source: Reddit)

New pickup line

(Source: Reddit)

Double standards

(Source: Reddit)

Okay buddy

(Source: Reddit)

Good for Shrek

(Source: Reddit)

Hold up

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: oddly specific, /r/oddlyspecific, specific, suspiciously specific, nintendo, dennys, hmmm, mildly interesting, brand new sentence, /r/brandnewsentence, strange sentences, headlines, florida man, /r/hmmm, reddit, the internet, social media, hold up, hol' up,