
25 Of Reddit's 'Cool Guides' That Might Be Useful Someday

two cool guides
two cool guides

Published April 16, 2024

Published April 16, 2024

Sometimes, things are a whole lot more interesting when they're put into the form of cool facts on a fun infographic. It's perhaps the best way to motivate people to learn something. If you're looking to come across some cool new information, which technically counts as a positive use of your internet time, you've come to the right place, because we've dug through the online community's contributions and pulled out these cool guides.

Reddit is home to many communities, and one of them is dedicated to sharing some odd information. The subreddit /r/coolguides shares a lot of facts in the form of cool infographics. It's likely that you're going to learn something new from each of these, and maybe someday that information will be useful. For now, though, it's still pretty entertaining, because we never really thought about these things in so much depth until they were shared as cool guides. Here are some of our favorites.

Average unemployment rates per major

(Source: Reddit)

How long it takes things to decompose

(Source: Reddit)

Pencil grips

(Source: Reddit)

The guide to obsolete punctuation marks

(Source: Reddit)

Elaborate shoe lace chart

(Source: Reddit)

Types of… tuna?

(Source: Reddit)

Very important stuff here

(Source: Reddit)

Might be useful one day

(Source: Reddit)

Underground Aleut homes

(Source: Reddit)

Weird how this works

(Source: Reddit)

How to avoid Nestle water by region

(Source: Reddit)

Cool opossum facts

(Source: Reddit)

How paint can change a space

(Source: Reddit)

How much shipping costs everywhere

(Source: Reddit)

How to pack a hiking bag

(Source: Reddit)

Tuition costs over the years

(Source: Reddit)

That's why traffic is so bad in LA

(Source: Reddit)

Units of measurement

(Source: Reddit)

Geography terms

(Source: Reddit)

How do you want your steak?

(Source: Reddit)

The Statue of Liberty's copper patina

(Source: Reddit)

Different shades of white light

(Source: Reddit)

The Joker over the years

(Source: Reddit)

Components of Nutella

(Source: Reddit)

I guess Bee Movie wasn't that realistic

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: guides, cool guides, infographics, infographic, guide, info, educational, collections,