25 Of The Worst Tattoos Out There

Even if they hurt a little to get, tattoos can be a fun way to express one's personality. Tons of people have tattoos, with some people having one or two and others getting hundreds on their skin. People can put a whole lot of meaning into a tattoo or no meaning at all, it's personal preference. Tattoos can be used to memorialize someone or something, they can make a person feel unique or boost their confidence, or they can just be for fun. Regardless of why someone wants a tattoo, any tattoo should be represented well and in a safe manner.
Tattoos are very permanent; that's kind of the whole point of them. People are stuck with their tattoos forever unless they use a laser to remove them or cover them with more tattoos. Both of those processes can be a pain, though, so it is best to get them done right the first time. So, when people come up with a terrible design for a tattoo or they see a bad artist to get one done, they could be left with an embarrassing tattoo fail, which no one wants to see.
Have a look at these 25 tattoos that turned out so badly, it is a little disturbing to see. These tattoos are odd, peculiar, interesting, and just plain bad. People really need to start thinking before getting inked.