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25 Of The Worst Tattoos Out There

Two images from /r/badtattoos
Two images from /r/badtattoos

Published March 23, 2025

Published March 23, 2025

Even if they hurt a little to get, tattoos can be a fun way to express one's personality. Tons of people have tattoos, with some people having one or two and others getting hundreds on their skin. People can put a whole lot of meaning into a tattoo or no meaning at all, it's personal preference. Tattoos can be used to memorialize someone or something, they can make a person feel unique or boost their confidence, or they can just be for fun. Regardless of why someone wants a tattoo, any tattoo should be represented well and in a safe manner.

Tattoos are very permanent; that's kind of the whole point of them. People are stuck with their tattoos forever unless they use a laser to remove them or cover them with more tattoos. Both of those processes can be a pain, though, so it is best to get them done right the first time. So, when people come up with a terrible design for a tattoo or they see a bad artist to get one done, they could be left with an embarrassing tattoo fail, which no one wants to see.

Have a look at these 25 tattoos that turned out so badly, it is a little disturbing to see. These tattoos are odd, peculiar, interesting, and just plain bad. People really need to start thinking before getting inked.

Something isn't quite right…

(Source: Reddit)

TikTok gold

(Source: Reddit)

Terrible face tattoos

(Source: Reddit)

What is going on here?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It could be better

(Source: Reddit)

This was a coverup

(Source: Reddit)

Someone's a fan

(Source: Reddit)

It's a lion

(Source: Reddit)

Nobody's puppet

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I hate this

(Source: Reddit)

Pixel dolphin

(Source: Reddit)

Anime eyes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sure you are

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What does this mean?

(Source: Reddit)

Always forgotten, never missed

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sick lion

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, wow

(Source: Reddit)

So deep

(Source: Reddit)

It's a self portrait

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: bad tattoos, tattoo fails, fails, terrible tattoos, tinder, reddit, failures, facepalm, mildly infuriating, one job, you had one job, oof, big oof, cringe, cringe tattoos, terrible tattoo, art, bad art, face tattoos, neck tattoos,

Meme Encyclopedia