
25 Overly Simple Cures To Not-So-Simple Problems

Two images from /r/thanksimcured
Two images from /r/thanksimcured

Published November 13, 2024

Published November 13, 2024

Sure, these little motivational quotes and messages are nice sometimes, but other times, they are taken too far. People have to take the advice given on the internet with a grain of salt because so many people have no clue what they are talking about. It is always clear who doesn't really get the extent of a serious issue because they always have some overly simplified solution for it.

People are always telling those with mental health concerns to go for a walk, go to the gym, drink more water and think positively… and while all of these things are good, they are not cures for serious issues. Honestly, it's pretty cringe to see these folks try and push their lifestyles onto people claiming it's the only way to be, but it happens a lot, and there are many examples in Reddit's /r/thanksimcured. Here are just 25 of those terrible solutions to issues that don't have easy or simple cures.

Energy givers

(Source: Reddit)

It's that simple, guys

(Source: Reddit)

I don't know which is the worst

(Source: Reddit)

Mental health restored

(Source: Reddit)

Not sure this is universally true

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Get on the grind, or something

(Source: Reddit)

Life's cheat code

(Source: Reddit)

For others, y'know?

(Source: Reddit)

Just let go

(Source: Reddit)

Wow I had no idea

(Source: Reddit)

Chiropractors fix all

(Source: Reddit)

Just gotta choose you

(Source: Reddit)

Thank you…?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Just like, stop worrying

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A reminder

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Gym fixes everything

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, hot dog

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

At least it's interesting…

(Source: Reddit)

Just cheer up

(Source: Reddit)

Come on, get it together

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: thanks i'm cured, /r/thanksimcured, bad advice, cringe, boomers, mental health, mental health memes, memes, health, depression memes, anxiety, anxiety memes, i'm 14 and this is deep, /r/im14andthisisdeep, deep posts, deep posting, collections,