25 Painful Encounters From The Dating App Bumble

The world of online dating is one that isn't always pleasant. Online dating is the most popular way to meet new people these days. People don't really meet organically as much anymore, who we date and go out with tends to be determined by these many dating apps. While these apps like Bumble and Tinder are convenient and efficient, they are sometimes hard to navigate, communication-wise. Many of the people on these apps tend to be… interesting critters. It takes a lot of weeding through to find anyone who might be a good contender.
Some people are huge red flags, with their scary bios and photos. Some seem normal but immediately are not after the first terrible message or pickup line. Because of these things, so many dating app fails can be found on subreddits like Reddit's /r/Bumble. This subreddit is specifically for fails from the app Bumble. Here are just 25 of those cringeworthy moments from the lives of hopeful singles.