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25 Painful Photos From People Searching For A Job

Two images from /r/recruitingh***
Two images from /r/recruitingh***

Published March 21, 2025

Published March 21, 2025

One of the most annoying things to do right now is find a job or career. Finding a job is just the worst with the way the world is. Considering how companies act right now, it seems impossible. Job searching is just not what it used to be. Once upon a time, people could walk into businesses and hand in a resume, but these days everything is done online. Doing things online might be more efficient, it is not easier, and it is way more annoying.

Not only are online applications always so long, but they are super repetitive, too. The application itself takes hours to do and then if someone is lucky enough to get an interview, those might take hours if not days or months to complete, too. In some cases, just the first interview alone can take many hours. On top of this all, companies ghost people every day, leaving people even more disappointed and distraught.

Many people experiencing these kinds of infuriating moments have chosen to share them online with the world. It's a nice reminder that many people experience this pain and no one is alone in the frustration. Here are 25 people having a hard time finding a job.

Make a TikTok for this job

(Source: Reddit)

This is silly

(Source: Reddit)

Job hunting these days

(Source: Reddit)

Is this allowed?

(Source: Reddit)

LinkedIn be like…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How rude

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Everyone's lying…

(Source: Reddit)

This is odd

(Source: Reddit)

An AI interview

(Source: Reddit)

It is unacceptable to put "see resume" in place…

(Source: Reddit)

AKA how old are you?

(Source: Reddit)

Who are you?

(Source: Reddit)

2 minutes ago…

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, how nice

(Source: Reddit)

Seven stage process

(Source: Reddit)

A beard-free facility

(Source: Reddit)

Using AI

(Source: Reddit)

Just the way it is

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Minimum salary?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

21 with 5 years of experience

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: recruiting, jobs, work, mildly infuriating, reddit, the internet, social media, infuriating, facepalm, job search, working, ceo, linkedin, linkedin lunatics,

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