25 Peculiar 'People Of Walmart' On Odd Endeavors

Why is it that Walmart is a gathering place for all of the most bizarre people out there? It's hard to say, but it is pretty common knowledge that going into any town's local Walmart shopping centre will probably result in seeing something you were not expecting to see that day. Some specific Walmart's are weirder than others, depending on the town, but in general Walmart is a great spot to do some very casual people-watching.
Walmart being home to strange scenes is such a common occurrence that the phrase "People of Walmart" is pretty well known, and there's even a Reddit subreddit titled as such. This subreddit is home to so many of the documented sightings of people in Walmarts around the world being… interesting. These photos come with more questions than answers, but they are entertaining. Here are 25 photos of peculiar people in Walmart doing some pretty questionable things.