
25 People Being A Little Too Literal

Two images from /r/technicallythetruth
Two images from /r/technicallythetruth

Published April 30, 2024

Published April 30, 2024

Some people take things just a little too literally, and it is hilarious. While normal answers are great and informative one problem with them is that they are not always that much fun. They're straightforward and get the point across, but where's the laughter in that? Well with answers and statements that are technically the truth there is the practicality of a real, true answer, but with the added fun of a little sarcasm and jokes.

Were they what anyone was expecting? No, but no one can argue with them either, which makes them just the perfect kind of response. These kinds of individuals are so common that Reddit has a whole subreddit dedicated to these kinds of responses. The subreddit /r/technicallythetruth is the place to go for all of the most technically true statements that are both real and entertaining. Here are just 25 of them those eye-roll-inducing posts.

More iconic

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe a few scenes even

(Source: Reddit)

Peak driving skills

(Source: Reddit)

A once in a lifetime experience

(Source: Reddit)

Classic tan line

(Source: Reddit)

Factual statements only

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't see that well

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, true

(Source: Reddit)

Always follow the rules

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They're wrong for that one

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Might need a couple more

(Source: Reddit)

Doubt they could

(Source: Reddit)

There ya go

(Source: Reddit)

The math checks out

(Source: Reddit)

Are humans… man made?

(Source: Reddit)

Getting your money's worth here

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Too small under the microscope

(Source: Reddit)

Get it right

(Source: Reddit)

That should explain it

(Source: Reddit)

Figure it out

(Source: Reddit)

Probably, anyways

(Source: Reddit)

Just a guess

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: technically the truth, can't argue with that, technically not wrong, kardashians, science, joker, joker 2, movies, cars, hmmm, cursed comments, news, reddit, youtube, twitter, maps, google, pets, dogs, cursed, england, chess, technology, collections,