25 People Getting Caught In Embarrassing Lies Online

Some people get a thrill from lying. Everyone has come across a pathological liar or two in their lives. It's weird to see someone get so much joy from telling a lie and getting away with it. This joy comes to a stop though when people get caught in their strange, unnecessary lies. People lie for all kinds of reasons, maybe it's to cover something up, or it could be to make themselves seem more interesting, or it could be to get some attention and gain some clout.
The people on Reddit's /r/quityourbull**** are seen using all of these reasons and more to lie on the internet, the only thing with them is that in this specific subreddit, they are also seen getting called out and exposed for their lies. It's pretty cringe to see someone get publicly embarrassed for something, but it's also super satisfying. Here are 25 online liars getting caught red-handed in their strange lies.