25 People Having A Terrible Time While Searching For Jobs
Finding a job is one of the most painful and annoying processes to go through right now. With the way through world is right now, finding a job is not easy or fun. Job searching is just not what it used to be. There was a point in time when people could walk into a business and hand in a resumé, but things are so different now. These days everything is done online, of course. While it is easier and more efficient to find job listings online, the cons of the process outweigh the pros by miles.
Not only are online applications always so long, but they are super repetitive, too. The application itself takes hours to do and then if someone is lucky enough to get an interview, those take additional hours. Just making it to the end of the interview process can take months in some cases. On top of this all, people are ghosted all the time by companies, just to be left jobless and disappointed.
Many people experiencing these kinds of infuriating moments have chosen to share them online with the world. It's like a sort of group therapy. Here are 25 images that perfectly explain how much of a pain it is to find a job right now.