25 People Making Up Weird Lies For Internet Clout

People should probably avoid lying altogether unless absolutely necessary. But if someone is going to tell a lie, they better make sure it's believable, because there is nothing more embarrassing than being caught in a lie purely because of how bad it is. People lie all the time for many reasons, one of them being for some online clout. People tell clearly made-up stories all the time for a bit of attention or maybe to push some agenda or to prove how amazing of a person they are.
It's all fun and games until people start calling them out for it because of how unbelievable the story is. Things like these don't just happen, and especially not in the way they're being told. Reddit's /r/thathappened is a subreddit where users collect all of the worst stories people are trying to pass off as true online. These are those stories that end with "and everyone clapped", they're that bad. Here are 25 obviously fake stories that "definitely happened."