25 People Missing Such An Obvious Joke

It's always embarrassing not to be in on a joke. When everyone around is laughing, and one person is left confused, talk about cringeworthy. Sometimes, it isn't the person's fault, though. Some jokes are overly complex, some need more context, and some are inside jokes not meant to be understood by everyone. When someone misses one of these kinds of jokes, it's excusable. Missing the obvious jokes is what is truly embarrassing.
This happens a lot online. Someone will make a very obvious, usually dumb joke, and someone else will reply, either correcting it or acting confused. Either they want to be the smartest person in the room by correcting a joke, or they have never seen sarcasm before. It ruins the entire joke and leaves everyone shaking their heads. This kind of situation can be called a "woooosh" moment, which is the hypothetical sound the joke makes when it flies over someone's head. Here are 25 embarrassing times people didn't get a clear joke.