
25 People 'Too Smart' For This World

Two images from /r/iamverysmart
Two images from /r/iamverysmart

Published May 02, 2024

Published May 02, 2024

Some people just don't know how to interact with the rest of the world, because they are too smart for it, of course. Some people put everything on their intelligence, and while it's good to wanna learn more and pursue knowledge, some people are a little too loud about it. It's pretty cringeworthy to see someone brag about their IQ to the world. Furthermore, it's even worse to see them brag about how smart they are, then subsequently put down everyone else who is so much dumber and plainer than them.

It's just so hard for these self-proclaimed geniuses to live in a world full of normal people. Reddit's /r/iamverysmart is a subreddit dedicated to collecting embarrassing accounts of these 'very smart' people making sure everyone else knows how smart they are. Whether these folks are truly as intelligent as they make themselves out to be or not… who knows?

Classic swifties

(Source: Reddit)

Very smart guy

(Source: Reddit)

Can't believe this is real

(Source: Reddit)

Very smart AND witty

(Source: Reddit)

Down with bookmarks

(Source: Reddit)

As a genius myself…

(Source: Reddit)

Only intelligent people can enjoy a good movie

(Source: Reddit)

Day-to-day is meaningless

(Source: Reddit)

Smarty pants over here

(Source: Reddit)

Okay buddy

(Source: Reddit)

Got a whole group of geniuses over here

(Source: Reddit)

Did you now

(Source: Reddit)

This has to be a joke

(Source: Reddit)

He's not one-dimensional

(Source: Reddit)

Low IQ comments

(Source: Reddit)

So real and relatable

(Source: Reddit)

Ah yes, Twitter is full of intellectually stimulating posts

(Source: Reddit)

Hot take

(Source: Reddit)

Current mood, honestly

(Source: Reddit)

He's just that good at chess

(Source: Reddit)

Well akchually

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What is this guy going on about?

(Source: Reddit)

You spot the lick? That's a new one

(Source: Reddit)

Can't relate to the dumber kids

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/iamverysmart, i am very smart, big brain, taylor swift, tumblr, swifties, ttpd, the tortured poets department, iron man, reddit, iq, facebook, fb, comments, pranks, reading, books, movies, youtube, school, teaching, kids, twitter, music, collections,