25 Photos Bringing Back Some Serious Nostalgia

The feeling of nostalgia differs for every person, it's a personal experience. Even though it is such a personal feeling, everyone can relate to it. It's sort of a bittersweet feeling, one of both joy and a bit of sadness. Times have changed a lot over the years, so looking back on how things were can be fun. There are some things from the past that whole groups of people can feel nostalgic over. Especially the '90s and early 2000s nostalgia.
These times saw a whole lot of change in the world of technology and entertainment, so there are some pivotal systems, games, toys, and movies that everyone who lived during those times can feel some nostalgia over. Even the styles of some stores and restaurants have changed so much since then. For a major throwback, to reminisce on the past, users on Reddit's /r/nostalgia post everything from those iconic years. Here are just 25 moments of pure nostalgia that will have just about everyone remembering the good ol' days.