
25 Photos Of How Things Wear Over Time

Two images from /r/wellworn
Two images from /r/wellworn

Published March 04, 2025

Published March 04, 2025

Of course, time takes its toll on everyone and everything in the world. It's just a fact that time makes things change, simply put. It is kind of sad, but it's true. However, sometimes things change so slowly and in such minor ways that no one even realizes it until the thing is too far gone. The changes are always there, but it is only when they are starting to have problems or when compared to a newer version that the change is noticed. It's cool to see how everything changes.

Everything from the obvious things like shoes and hats from the more peculiar things like staircases and keys wear down with time. It just takes a bit of observation and searching to see the things that do change. These images might inspire some people to look closer at the things they use every day to notice how they have altered from their original state.

Here are 25 photos of how things like clothing, flooring, and more, has changed over time. Enjoy these comparison and take it upon yourself to see the minor changes in all of the every day items.

The counter at the dry cleaners

(Source: Reddit)

Old and new boots

(Source: Reddit)

Old and new shoes

(Source: Reddit)

The joycons on the Switch

(Source: Redd)

A used and unused tea infuser

(Source: Redd)

The bush moving has scraped the paint

(Source: Redd)

The same knife, used and unused

(Source: Redd)

The sample

(Source: Redd)

The vending machine numbers range from 11-26

(Source: Reddit)

The floor in this store

(Source: Redd)

This keyboard

(Source: Redd)

An herb grinder, used to be all silver

(Source: Reddit)

A very bleached stop sign

(Source: Reddit)

An old and new case

(Source: Redd)

These work gloves

(Source: Redd)

Automatic scented spray hitting the ceiling

(Source: Redd)

A worn key

(Source: Redd)

Big Cheese hat

(Source: Redd)

Standing in front of pinball machines

(Source: Redd)

This ashtray

(Source: Reddit)

A headphone pad

(Source: Redd)

A very old door handle

(Source: Redd)

Well-worn keys

(Source: Reddit)

The commuter's canvas

(Source: Redd)

Tracks worn into the floor

(Source: Redd)

Tags: well worn, mildly interesting, worn down items, reddit, the internet, social media, interesting images, worn down things, worn down photos,