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25 Photos Showing What It Was Like To Be A Teenager In The '70s

Two images from /r/thewaywewere
Two images from /r/thewaywewere

Published March 24, 2025

Published March 24, 2025

Relatively speaking, the 1970s were not all that long ago. In the grand scheme of things, the 1970s were only about 55 years ago, which is just a blip in time. It seems crazy to think about all that has changed in that amount of time. To some, the 1970s might seem like a totally different planet, and some moments look like it, too. Technology has advanced and trends have changed, resulting in some big changes all around. It is pretty interesting to think about how drastically different life is now when compared to back then, but it can be a little shocking, too.

The 1970s were important and also a pretty revolutionary time, a lot happened during that decade. Kids and teenagers who grew up during the 1970s had a lot of fun, many kids had a lot of freedom. Concert tickets were cheap, there was good music, house parties, and high school looked a whole lot different. It's interesting to look back on.

So, for those who want to remember the 1970s for a moment or for those who want to see what life was like back then, enjoy this collection. Here are 25 images of what it was like to be a teenager in the '70s/

High school life, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Girls hanging out, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Teens and their cars, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Friends in 1978

(Source: Reddit)

Chilling with a cool car, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Southern California high school students, 1969

(Source: Reddit)

Neighbourhood kids, 1977

(Source: Redd)

A girl and her reel-to-reel tape machine, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

At a middle school dance, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Rollerskating in Florida, 1970

(Source: Reddit)

Cruising Van Nuys Boulevard, Los Angeles, 1972

(Source: Reddit)

Playing Twister, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

California, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Boys in Montreal suburbs, 1976

(Source: Reddit)

Rollercoaster at the CNE, Toronto, Ontario, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Bronx teenagers, 1977

(Source: Reddit)

Kids looking at developed photos, 1970

(Source: Reddit)

Teens from the Bay Area, California, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

A teenage record party, 1967

(Source: Reddit)

Posing for a Polaroid, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

A teen and her horse, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Sadie Hawkins, 1970

(Source: Reddit)

Teenage girl fashion, 1969

(Source: Reddit)

Western Hills High School, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Cool kids, 1970s

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: 1970s, 70s nostalgia, teens in the 1970s, old school cool, reddit, the internet, social media, throwback photos, old school photos, boomers, boomer nostalgia, baby boomers, history photos, history, old school images, old school nostalgia, growing up in the 70s, kids in the 70s,

Meme Encyclopedia