25 Photos Taken Straight From The 1960s

Times have changed drastically and dramatically over the years. Though modern days are fun, sometimes it's even more fun to look back on what life was like all those decades ago. Everything has changed, from the people to the music to the vibes, things are so different now. While nostalgia is different for every person, there are some things that people from certain eras collectively remember. These kinds of things bring people together.
The 1960s was an era of change. It was revolutionary in terms of social norms, including clothing, music, and recreational activities. It was a time also known as the "cultural decade" or the "swingin' sixties," which sums it up pretty well. There are so many icons from this time that helped shape the way the media and the world are today. It's important to look back on these times and admire them for what they were.
Reddit has subreddits for every era, including the 60s. /r/1960s and /r/60s are just two of them that feature many photos of celebrities and moments from the time period that are unforgettable. Here are 25 nostalgic images taken from the 60s that everyone can appreciate.