25 Photos Taken Straight From The 1970s

Times have changed drastically and dramatically over the years. With every year that goes by, things change, and even more things change with every decade that goes by. From the technology to the fashion to the music to the vibes, everything is different now than it was 20, 30, 40, and 50 years ago. Looking back on those iconic eras is fun and interesting. It's kind of crazy to see just how insanely different life is now. Nostalgia is a funny feeling. It's both happy and sad, and really quite interesting, too.
The 1970s was a decade for change. It was the decade for lava lamps, hippie culture, and everything funky. People were into futuristic ideas, and they had a love for nature. It was a truly iconic time that is unforgettable. It's one that changed the world and shaped the way society is today. Revisiting this time brings about many emotions, but it's interesting to do so.
Reddit's /r/70s is a subreddit where people can share every cool photo found and taken in the 1970s. Here are 25 photos that will take people on a journey to the past when things were groovy.