25 Photos That Might Make Someone Rethink Having Kids

Everyone knows that the fate of the world lies in the hands of today's youth. The children that are out there running around, causing trouble, will one day be doctors, politicians, grocery store clerks, whatever their hearts desire. So raising kids is no small feat. Every parent is trying their best to raise a kind, smart, well-rounded kid, but honestly, sometimes kids are just dumb. Everyone was a kid at some point, and they all would have done dumb things too, but it is funny to see, as adults, what these kids are getting up to. They have some bright, maybe questionable, ideas that are going to take them places. What those places that may be is up for debate, but it'll take them somewhere.
You can't blame kids for doing dumb things, but you can make fun of them. Reddit users collect and document all of the insane things their kids, and wild kids, do throughout the day that really just makes everyone facepalm and shake their heads. Here are just 25 examples of criminal childhood mischief that may make someone rethink the whole parenting thing today.