Two images from /r/kidsarefuckingstupid

25 Photos That Might Make Someone Rethink Having Kids

Everyone knows that the fate of the world lies in the hands of today's youth. The children that are out there running around, causing trouble, will one day be doctors, politicians, grocery store clerks, whatever their hearts desire. So raising kids is no small feat. Every parent is trying their best to raise a kind, smart, well-rounded kid, but honestly, sometimes kids are just dumb. Everyone was a kid at some point, and they all would have done dumb things too, but it is funny to see, as adults, what these kids are getting up to. They have some bright, maybe questionable, ideas that are going to take them places. What those places that may be is up for debate, but it'll take them somewhere.

You can't blame kids for doing dumb things, but you can make fun of them. Reddit users collect and document all of the insane things their kids, and wild kids, do throughout the day that really just makes everyone facepalm and shake their heads. Here are just 25 examples of criminal childhood mischief that may make someone rethink the whole parenting thing today.

Kid has no clue

(Source: Reddit)

First bite from the middle

Alphabet & Letter Sounds Apple Insert Activity Card Here Acti ABBACD ED Cat ce Duck Egg Jet J&K OP ge Pillow US nbrella Yarn KL Kite Queen Vase VO Zebra Z Q VTech

(Source: Reddit)

That's unfortunate


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Kid got tired of sharing

3210 - манера 1654 8765 DICULE 8765... MEA ROSH POSHE цукерки Ромашка РОШЕН

(Source: Reddit)


David Blah Blah @DNealeColorado Me, to my 10-yr-old: "Sure, you can use your new art set, it it gets you away from the iPad." 10-yr-old, to herself: "Sweet. He must be ok with me painting a rainbow-fting moose on my bedroom wall and door."

(Source: Reddit)

That's an illegal move


(Source: Reddit)

They make the rules

Ayden is Tound d Please do not Knock!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They tried


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It's a work of art

(Source: Reddit)

Makes sense

Nicole St. Denis @nicosttweets Follow 600 My 5-year-old told me a school friend gave him his address so he can go over for play dates. The address:

(Source: Reddit)

She never loses

Name U 0 0 + X Subject miss Х 0 Section:

(Source: Reddit)

Good Lord

t Chicken bone Button batteries Cocaine 'twist Fish bone WHAT DID YOUR CHILD HAVE TO EAT TODAY? A Partial Collection of Objects Removed from the Upper Gut of Children by the Pediatric Gastroenterology Service.

(Source: Reddit)

Found in the speaker


(Source: Reddit)

Those are solid rules

By entering this this room you u automatically agreets pay 0.25¢ Cents. Rules don't apply to authorised people. Pay 0.25 cents per every 10 seconds to the organisation of potationinc. If you fail to pay the sum, you are officially a prat boringgg useless trumpy rumpy lumpy jumpy bumpy dumpy hump. grumpy swampy old man / woman. you pay the sun, you are abama rauma in the bahamas chilling with the llamas.

(Source: Reddit)

Stone in the lighter

0 0

(Source: Reddit)

The worst

My kid got ahold of my recently found iPhone 4S. Planned on retrieving photos and It's going to take a few guesses for what the password is ning... 12:38 Thursday, January 1 100% iPhone is disabled try again in 51,509 minutes >slide for emergency

(Source: Reddit)

Gonna have to rework that

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder if the parents know

MAGNETIC CLIP Jacobs.'s birthday party!!! May 7 saturday 9:09 AM do anything you wan't at my ills apartmant's-rolling hills house

(Source: Reddit)

Address checks out

I'm in a group chat with a mail carrier and he shared this letter SAD 200 FOREVER DICSO 3:46 PM 4/23/24 from Earth 21.9K Views •

(Source: Reddit)


r/DIY u/hairylikeabear ⚫ 11h Kids peed in air intake vent. How do I clean this? help Our boys peed in the air intake vent. This has apparently happened multiple times over the past four days. What is the best way for them to clean it so that we can use our HVAC system without the whole house smelling like p ? 329 ☐ 167 301

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds about right

10h I meant to post this on Monday but I wanted to thank the gentleman who helped my son and his friends free their other friend that they zip tied to a fence He knocked on your door to explain they were being 'idiot boys' and that curiosity got the best of them but they now needed scissors. Apparently you went over to see for yourself as you couldn't quite believe it and then helped to cut their friend free. I'm grateful he felt comfortable and safe in our neighborhood to knock on a door and wasn't afraid of being ridiculed or shamed. #boylife

(Source: Reddit)

I get it

omg my gameboy SP has literal bite marks in them because my 5th grader bit down on it every time I lost a pokemon battle in emerald because I had anger issues i guess Nintendo GAME BOY ADNANCE SP 1d when i was a kid i was hospitalized because my gameboy shut off in the middle of a gym leader battle on emerald and i got so mad that i took the batteries out and ate them

(Source: Reddit)


DA @DanielGAlarcon yesterday morning after his soccer game, my 6 year old asked me how come the other team gets to change the color of their jerseys every week, while we always had to wear purple. when i explained that, in fact, we were playing against different teams each week, his mind was blown.

(Source: Reddit)

Youngest entrepreneur

A kid got caught at school selling bags of Cheetos for .25/bag.

(Source: Reddit)

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