25 Photos That Scream "Retro"
Time is a funny thing. Things have changed a lot over the years. While a decade might seem like a lot of time to pass, relatively, it really isn't. Even just over the past 10, 20, or 30 years, things have changed in every single way imaginable. Not only has technology improved and become integrated into everything, but the music is different, the fashion is fleeting, and even the social norms are not the same. Things are just… different. While change isn't always a bad thing and there are many modern developments to appreciate, it's fun to look back on old times.
It's hard to describe exactly what makes something retro. The word itself relates to styles of the past, but how far back does it go? Some certain, fairly recent things even feel retro with how quickly times are changing. Nostalgia is getting more and more recent. Who knows where the world will be in just a few years?
The Internet is a place for memories. Anything can be found online including cool photos from the past. Here are 25 retro images everyone can appreciate.