25 Products You Didn't Need To Know About
The things that are out there for sale these days aren't really surprising at this point. Every person and every company is trying to invent the next big thing. It gets to the point thought that it's a bit ridiculous. Like some of the products that are out there for sale probably don't need to be, no one needs that many things in their house. Consumerism is taking over and it is very apparent just from taking a single look on social media.
Do we really need every possible flavor of iced coffee ever? Or does every makeup brand need a new collaboration every month? Probably not, but like the Reddit subreddit /r/ofcoursethatsathing suggests, it just isn't surprising anymore. It isn't totally all bad though I guess, there is going to be something for every circumstance and person out there, which is fine. But seriously, when does it get to be too much? Here are 25 products that you probably didn't know exist, but they do.