25 Profound Shower Thoughts To Ponder About

During the day, people are normally very busy! People are busy at work, they are busy with school, they spend time on their hobbies, and lots of people have lots of other responsibilities; people, and their brains, are usually pretty preoccupied with stuff. When the brain is alone, though, it can come up with some pretty strange thoughts. These kinds of thoughts are known as 'shower thoughts' because the shower is one of the places where people come up with them.
These small yet deep thoughts are like miniature epiphanies. If they are questions or someone wondering something, they don't really have a clear answer or solution. Sometimes they are standalone statements that are inarguably true. They honestly tend to raise more questions than answers at all.
Shower thoughts are fun to read and fun to think about. They are also fun to share with friends to see if they have ever thought of them before. So, here are 25 odd shower thoughts we have never thought about before.