
25 Rare Insults And Clever Comebacks Totally Owning People

Two images from /r/rareinsults
Two images from /r/rareinsults

Published August 21, 2024

Published August 21, 2024

Sometimes in life, you need an insult for a person. Insults aren't nice or friendly, but from time to time a person is around who kind of needs one. When it comes to choosing an insult, there is a lot to pick from. The issue is that many of the classic insults are overused, and they don't really work anymore. What's the point of using an insult if it isn't going to do its job? Well, that's why there are rare insults.

Rare insults are insults that are brand new, they have likely never been used before. They are usually pretty specific making them even more impactful and sometimes confusing. Rare insults just hit differently from other kinds of insults. Not everyone can come up with a good rare insult though so Reddit's /r/rareinsults can be helpful. Users here share all of the best and most obscure insults out there with the rest of the world so everyone can be entertained and inspired. Here are 25 rare insults totally owning people.

For real though

(Source: Reddit)

He does

(Source: Reddit)

How much time y'all have?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's gotta hurt

(Source: Reddit)

They really did

(Source: Reddit)

Murdered by words

(Source: Reddit)

Just go bald at that point

(Source: Reddit)

We all saw it

(Source: Reddit)

That explains it

(Source: Reddit)

Insane surgeries going on here

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

He's gonna be fired

(Source: Reddit)

Good point

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Off-brand Jonah Hill

(Source: Reddit)

Don't be a Kevin

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry guys…

(Source: Reddit)

That's so specific…

(Source: Reddit)

Please smile

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What does that sound like?

(Source: Reddit)

Moisturizer, please

(Source: Reddit)

Poor guy…

(Source: Reddit)

Fish got violated

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/rareinsults, rare insults, comebacks, clever comebacks, insults, twitter, wolverine, youtube, comments, cursed comment, reels, instagram, relationships, oof, nft, boomers, facebook, rhianna, olympics, collections,