25 Relatable Memes About The Human Experience

One of the most shared and most loved genres of memes out there are relatable memes. They're a common format that can be found just about anywhere online. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes and posts that have phrases like "me when," "when you," or "POV," and then they show or describe some scene or emotion that everyone seems to understand. These kinds of memes can get interesting because at times the things they are describing are super specific, like so much so it's hard to believe that many people get it.
That is how relatable memes bring people together, though, and Reddit's subreddit /r/meirl is full of these kinds of posts. The term "me IRL" stands for "me, in real life" which is just the term used to identify one of these relatable moments, kind of like "big mood." Here are 25 memes from /r/meirl that, surprisingly, most of the people out there will probably get.