Two images from /r/meirl

25 Relatable Memes To Prove We're Not So Different

There are a lot of memes out there on the Internet. There is a meme for everyone in fact. Memes are not discriminatory, whoever a person is, whatever they are into, there is a meme for them to enjoy. If someone is merely just a person existing, there are memes for that too. Relatable memes include everyone. These kinds of memes, which are known by the phrase "me IRL", meaning "me, in real life," consist of pictures and phrases that describe specific yet true moments from life.

Sometimes they are surprisingly relatable, depicting things that are so obscure and specific they wouldn't seem relatable, but somehow are. These memes are popular because they are so easy to share with just about anyone, they are meant to bring people together. From one of the most relatable places online, here are 25 memes that will speak to the soul from Reddit's /r/MeIRL. These memes are just one big mood.

Valid, Honestly

NEWS Antarctic scientist 'stabs colleague who kept telling him endings of books he was reading'

(Source: Reddit)

That's Fair

Kayla Ancrum ON DEADLINE+++ @KaylaAncrum Thinking about a girl from camp 15 years ago called Xiu whose name this other girl named Brittany refused to pronounce and gave her the nickname "sunny" and how Xiu, as revenge, decided to pretend she couldn't pronounce Brittany and called her "Bing Bong" instead. 6:08 PM 1/23/21 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

It's Wrong Now

P people with disabilities, circus owners during 1800s

(Source: Reddit)

A Win Is a Win

A.S.L @scraptown79 I build powerlines for a living, and I make a good, union, wage. If a bunch of burger flippers started earning the same wages and benefits that I make, dude... ...I'd be celebrating with them and their families! Working people are my people! Their win is my win!

(Source: Reddit)

Just a Brief Moment of Forgetfulness

Throwback to when my Dad forgot I'm a Doctor Dad 8 online Where are you? 10:45 AM 00 Why? 10:46 AM 10:46 AM T IVIדיע! Yes 10:45 AM Hospital 10:46 AM I study and work here 10:46 AM 20

(Source: Reddit)

That's Just Wrong

rebeccawith Today, I heard a GenZ coworker say, "I wish I was a little bit taller." I responded with, "I wish I was a baller." And he didn't say, "I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her." And now I'm a sad

(Source: Reddit)

It's a Challenge Every Day

Call me childish, but beating the GPS time is an extreme sport for me KRAZE

(Source: Reddit)


Millennials 00 C'mon, Collapse

(Source: Reddit)

Happens Daily

Susie Dent @susie_dent Word of the day is 'spuddle' (17th century): to work ineffectively; to be extremely busy whilst achieving absolutely nothing.

(Source: Reddit)

They're so Silly

Elena Lifewaster Jr. @elunatyk My favorite part of Easter is when, after dinner, the whole family gets together and reads letters about how my drinking has affected them.

(Source: Reddit)

Spoiler Alert: It Never Does

Kramski @kramski I love how being an adult is just saying "But after this week things will slow down a bit again" to yourself until you die

(Source: Reddit)

For Real?

When you finish the job interview and they hire you right away

(Source: Reddit)

Well, That's Awkward

Fern Brady → @FernBrady I've been wearing my boyfriend's hoodie around the house for the last week. I tried to give it back last night. "That's not my hoodie." Realised with horror I've been wearing our builder's hoodie. In front of the builder. ***

(Source: Reddit)


Never related to a conversation this hard before hey do you have anxiety prime? amazon* yeah why oh yeah i have that too

(Source: Reddit)

Happens to the Best of Us

Good Today 5:53 PM haha hru? Uh SU Today 8:00 PM you wanna see something cool? Sure Today 9:17 PM it's me carrying this conversation

(Source: Reddit)

No Babies Getting in Here

Jonathan Edward Durham @thisone@verhere Our house is finally done being baby proofed! Reinforced locks, high tech camera system, brand new gates. I straight-up DARE a baby to try and get in here now.

(Source: Reddit)


Roshan Patel ☑ @roshanpateI Friend making $20/hr as a barista: "No worries bro, I'll cover this one and you'll get the next one!" Friend making $450k as a software engineer: "Can you Venmo me $3.62 for your share of the Uber ride?"

(Source: Reddit)

Can You?

Me: *sniffs* "oh yah it's about to rain" My southern friends: Follow @Explorize Stream AYUDAME by Tommy Lagoon @YahRightBraedon Wait some people can't smell when it's gonna rain?!

(Source: Reddit)

Something to Think About


(Source: Reddit)

Like a Do-Over

Instead of remaking great movies, they should remake bad movies that were based on good stories but did not meet expectations

(Source: Reddit)


Laura B-Host body @LauraAnnSTL While on a zoom, I received a message from the host: "While I appreciate you staying muted, we can see exactly what you're thinking based on your facial expressions. I'm going to ask you to turn off your video as well. Thank you." I don't know how to not be this person.

(Source: Reddit)


Andrew 31 Oct 2018 O From Year 7 to Uni jfool Can you remove the headphone please? I need to confirm something ⚫ jfool

(Source: Reddit)

That Poor Guy

Mike Primavera @primawesome When I was 8 I got lost at the mall and started crying because I couldn't find my mom so then a security guard came to help me but I punched him in the nuts as hard as I could because stranger danger and that dude still had to help me find my mom. I think about him a lot.

(Source: Reddit)

Like Maybe Just… Don't Do That?

thomas (Bad Boy arc) @perfectsweeties Follow nightmares are so embarrassing bro like u literally made up a guy and got scared of him 8:28 PM 12/7/23 1.2M Views

(Source: Reddit)


334 comments abeerah holding the back of the dress with ur other hand to tighten it is so real 1h Reply lara streets - Creator girl i have one arm 1h Reply View 277 replies 381 1,369 ✓

(Source: Reddit)

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