25 Ridiculous DIY Projects Gone Wrong
The world of DIY isn't for everyone to take on. It isn't easy doing things yourself, especially when it comes to home improvements or technical crafting. Some people will do anything to save the money they'd pay hiring a professional, so they rather gather their drill and scraps and come up with something genius. It's so easy for these projects to go so wrong, though. Even the tasks that may seem simple, like repainting a wall, can go so poorly without the right knowledge and tools.
Decorations and art that were envisioned one way can come out looking the complete opposite. It really can just be one big disaster. Reddit's /r/DiWHY is a subreddit filled with these DIY fails, big and small. It's crazy but some people even try to sell these peculiar pieces of art to others. Here are 25 ambitious individuals who took on major (or just questionable) DIY projects only for them to come out… a little odd.