
25 Screenshots And Statements That Aged Horribly

Two images from /r/agedlikemilk
Two images from /r/agedlikemilk

Published March 06, 2024

Published March 06, 2024

To make guesses and predictions about things online is all fun and games until the prediction goes terribly wrong. Not all predictions can be winners which is why people should take caution when saying things that may just not be true, or may come true in the worst way possible. It's pretty funny to see a comment from years, months, or just weeks ago that is totally wrong now. It really shows that there is just no saying in what the future holds.

Reddit's /r/agedlikemilk is the subreddit that features these comments that, well, aged like milk. That is to say that they aged in the worst way possible, y'know, because milk goes bad. Some of the things on this subreddit are so bad they're awkward and cringeworthy and almost a little upsetting at times, depending on who's seeing it. Here are some terrible predictions people have made over the years that took a turn for the worst.

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

(Source: Reddit)

Patrick Mahomes Has Won Three Super Bowls Since This Tweet

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Well That's Not Creepy

(Source: Reddit)

Not Quite

(Source: Reddit)

They Were Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Hate to Say It…

(Source: Reddit)

That's Unfortunate

(Source: Reddit)

"Doomed to Fail"

(Source: Reddit)

They Did

(Source: Reddit)

Only the Best for Tumblr

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Hold That Thought

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Yes, They Can

(Source: Reddit)

Goodbye, Headphone Jack

(Source: Reddit)

About That…

(Source: Reddit)

A Comment About the First iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

So False

(Source: Reddit)

Aged Terrible

(Source: Reddit)

As It Turns Out…

(Source: Reddit)

Published Five Days Apart

(Source: Reddit)

All Clear Then

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: aged like milk, /r/agedlikemilk, oof, bad timing, too real, twitter, rap god, sports, football, the super bowl, england, the royal family, king charles, reddit, nostalgia, technology, music, lil nas x, unpopular opinion, ai, ai art, collections,