Two images from /r/iamverysmart

25 Self-Proclaimed Geniuses Spreading Their Knowledge Online

For some people, their intelligence is their most treasured trait. Wanting to be smart and expand your mind is a great thing to want to do. Attending school, and pursuing a degree and higher education is never frowned upon. Some people take it too far, though, and it's always easy to tell when someone isn't as smart as they claim to be. Some people out there like to let everyone know how high their IQ is, and how low everyone else's is in comparison.

These self-proclaimed geniuses don't have time for mindless hobbies and shenanigans. They don't get along with the normal, low-IQ individuals of the world. They're just built different. They aren't afraid to speak their mind though and tell a collective about how smart they are, which is the kind of content found in Reddit's /r/iamverysmart. This subreddit features posts and comments made by people who are just a step above the rest of the world. These people know what's up, whether they are scientists, mathematicians or literal children. Here are 25 online geniuses who don't want to be messed with.

So smart they shouldn't exist

2:23 pm FYI, I was severely tested for IQ and profound giftedness from grades 2nd to 5th by university psychologists and post- graduate students. My verbal IQ is unmeasurable, as in above 195 IQ deviation (not ratio) today as an adult. The last psychologist to test me one to one later as an adult very visibly reacted as if she saw a ghost once she calculated my IQ (and was so threatened by me that she never spoke to me again). This is no hyperbole: I'm being literal with you. Finally, for me to take any more IQ tests is just being redundant. They all say the same thing: (that even after subtracting IQ points to account for measurement error this far to the right extreme of the Bell Curve) my statistical rarity in terms of IQ is still greater than 1 in over 15,000,000,000. In other words--and statistically speaking--I shouldn't even exist. So ponder that, won't you, before you continue to bore me with your predictable and vapid obiections!? wants to chat Accept their request to start chatting Ignore Report Invite Accept

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Bet this guy hates chai tea too

5m "PIN Numbers" Personal Identification Number Numbers I can't take this "cool guide" seriously when they have such a blatant error in the title. Doesn't really indicate they took their time on the guide. Reply -1

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Can't get down with this new lingo

"ya" instead of "you" Someone's pretty much done for me on this alone. It's almost the definitive marker of being from "low" culture. Pairing it with a "low" epithet like "tiprat" ("flog" or "gronk" apply here also) seals the deal. An absolute peasant. Worth one f in his general direction and then never to be bothered with again. 11m Like Reply r/iamverysmart

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Someone's feeling threatened

+ Ana Victoria becomes the world's first lawyer with Down syndrome CENCIATURA DERECHO 2019-2023 UAD 29.3K Q520 1K Congratulations! C Sh Intelligent down syndrome people have IQ's amongst the international average (70-80), so she's not too far of from most of you tbh. (I'm at 160). 5 3 Replies View activity > I understand that you shrimp ****'s have nothing but IQ and I clearly have that and then some, but.. calm yourselves. Unbunch your ☑

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Guy provides real proof

Most people think they're smarter than average. What proof do you have that you actually are? by H MH 1 poento antaŭ 4 horoj unvaccinated daŭrligo source tenu save-RES kunteksto context-popup ĉiaj komentoj (5939) denuncu subscribe-rev in AskReddit

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Women's contribution to science my Pure copium from the kleptoparasitic gender. Violent mood swings and bleeding for a week and failing to die is not a scientific contribution. It's most definitely men that needed to know when to schedule the next hunting and fishing trip as basic female domestic violence management. Simple self preservation. 14 h Like Reply Share Edited 2011

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hahaha Was that condescending Alright Man at this Hahaha slightly II O Duck I'm really sorry. I really don't mean to. That's not me as a person. I just thought it was so fundamental I should probably disclose the fact that for most of my life I have battled with coming off as condescending. I'm semi intelligent. I won a national title in academics at 15. I read a lot. I love to learn and most of what I read I memorize. I think saying what I know comes off as condescending W EN

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Whole lot of yapping

v as a chronic sufferer of things that fit within "mental illness" you should be on a path to better yourself. If I ever get the feeling of being snarky, I will engage in dialectic objectivism. Now... chuckles the very nature of mental health is ALMOST outside the scope of objectivity. Its worth mentioning logic is an academic field that falls under psychology. Dialectic objectivism also dictates that subjectivity can INFLUENCE logic. Rightly so, if we all felt exactly the same about everything then maybe we could enumerate things. As it stands however, that is not the case (it is false) because emotionally people are unique. Hence the necessity of making sure some subjectivity is allowed to dialectic objectivity. Read your Scholars. They have far more interesting things to say than most systems of education today. The Socratic Method only works when participants unanimously agree on something.

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He built a robot from his toys

12m ago As a self-taught developer, I might not know the exact definition of something, but I know how to use it. Because I didn't learn from theory, like I didn't spend the time learning the definition of everything I found and then start using it, but I've started using it and learned from practice. I know how to use something, but not its exact definition or name, I make the definition on the spot based on my understanding, or I try to use examples. I found myself using some design patterns before I knew they were design patterns. I just had a problem and came up with the solution that just might have happened to be a design pattern, but I didn't learn it, I came up with it because it solved the problem I had. This is also why I didn't like it when I was in school, I had to remember the exact definition of something, I'm not good with learning the definition and theory, I learn from practice. I remember to this day the time when we learned about electricity when I was younger, and I really liked it. I went home and broke up my toys for parts and made a robot out of them, bring it to school and my teacher gave me a 10 for it, I think I was like 9 years old. The next day we had a test, about electricity, and I got a 3 because I didn't use the exact definitions and the teacher was surprised I failed the test. I don't learn from theory, but from practice, so don't force me to learn the exact definition word by word like I'm learning a poem. I think It's called being a kinesthetic learner. Vote ⇓ Reply Award Share

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Good for you

9 km away Looking for Long-term partner About me Class 10 94% Class 12 99.5% Cleared jee mains AIR 1027 Cleared jee advanced AIR 42 NTSE SCHOLAR KVPY SCHOLAR Graduated from IIT BOMBAY CSE(BTECH) Currently working at INFOSYS HEIGHT 5 10

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He invented calculus

I'm saying no, but if it excluded learned behaviors, absolutely. I don't think I can say this humbly, but I'm ridiculously smart. Smart as in I invented calculus (because it was less effort than using a calculator) while doing my AP Physics homework, when I was too young to be in that class, but they let me in so I could study physics because at that same time I was wiring and coding an experiment that I later sent to NASA and NASA launched it into space. But I used to SX with people, up until the point that I had climbed over the railing on an 11th floor balcony, preparing to jump. Sure I had all of this impressive stuff, I was actually at a statewide science fair (where I won first in multiple areas), but I had no friends and people hated being around me. I mean, I'm fine now, but good Lord, I would never want to put someone through that. You know, Camus said that a person will commit seither in a fit of painful emotions or in an existential crisis? Imagine being crushed with both for months 32

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This guy's cool

CL m making stupid ppl realize how. much smarter than them I am, they start an argument with me over nothing and I just poke holes in everything they say, and they're like f, I didn't say that when like 10 ppl heard them say it Reply ↑ 5

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Carry on

3d Х For those of you antagonizing each other over politics on all sides - Smart may be used as a descriptor of intelligence - it is not intellect in itself. So while you may be smart in how you post, your post is not an indicator of acquired knowledge. This difference finds me extremely comforted. Carry on. 48 3 comments

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Smart kids

when i was seven i did NOT know the phrase emotionally manipulate she knew how to manipulate u and cry AA the daughter's got the genes 21K As a seven years old, I can confirm that I don't know that phrase 163 when I was 7, google wasn't a thing.... 83 jkjk 170 Millennial moment. You don't have to know the words to do it. If a parent looks even the least bit hesitant or burnt out, the kid will notice and whine to take advantage of it. 143 ... I did I also knew what hydrostatic equalibriam meant and the periodic table too 18

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So very smart

2h "Compact and does not consume precious resources" That's such a Kratos thing to say Reply 460 h You really could've done a better job ascertaining potential improvements of your comment before posting it, and then you would've had a greater chance at noticing the incongruous error you made in your use of the name "Kratos." The way it is now, you have ambivalently used a person's name as an adjective rather than a noun as it is supposed to be used, therefore there is no such thing as "a Kratos thing." I do, however, register your intended statement conspicuous, and believe that you could have achieved the same message delivery you were going for if you simply changed the adjective to "Kratos-like" instead. -313

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1u My tested IQ is 163. I AM smarter than everyone... Sure it is. . 1u Beantwoorden 813

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Smartest 14-year-old in the world

-W [INTRO] Hello everyone. I am 14. I will do not/will not often message here due to my inability to converse with multiple individuals simultaneously. I am here to continue my pilgrimage through all corners of the intellectual internet, as I am in search for one like myself. Due to trauma at a young age my mental growth was drastically increased, and my love for psychology only grew more and more as the pandemic isolated us all. My adoration for the study if the mind and philosophy have left me alone in ever meaning, as I cannot connect with people my age because of the knowledge I was forced into. (STUDIES) I've studied everything, from the Cadmium rods in Reactor Four, to Morgan Le Fae, to Plato's theory, to Archimedes Theory, The Green Knight, the Gyges Ring, the Battle at Thermopylae, Nero's Fiddle, the dragons of Absolute Sulfur and Salt, I've studied all of the such for so long only to have no one to relate to such with. There must be others like me out there, who too enjoys study and psychology. My knowledge spans most of science, history, philosophy, psychology, media culture, mythology, and theoretical physics, incase you were curious. [CLARIFICATION] This is not a thing to seem "edgy" or "cool" or "unique". I simply wish to find others like me, ensnared by this blasted worlds rejection of study for entertainment. If you can relate to this message, DM or friend me, as I would enjoy discussion. This call for connection is not that of me attempting to teach, many before have messaged me requesting such. If you are an individual that too enjoys study, nay, if you too are one of psychology within my generation, that is exceptionally rare. [CONCLUSION] As one final point, this was made and extended so long for the secondary purpose of a great barrier, think, like the Fermi Paradox. The curious and the inquisitive will read this, thank you for reading, if you've made it this far. Apologies for the scatter-brained nature and lack of thesis. 1 1

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He's so lonely

As an intelligent man, I struggle to find people that are on my level. Not to state this from a point of arrogance, but it just feels kinda lonely to rarely meet someone who can keep up with my train of thought, especially considering the topics I thrive in. Philosophy, politics, and Economics. When I dive deep I'm the equivalent of my genius best friend on an LSD trip, literally.

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So easy to learn a new language

27w Spanish is so easy I'm learning polish now because languages are super easy tbh

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Filler words are a statistically proven way that unintelligent humans speak. Cognitive and comprehension abilities in people are completely different and directly related to intelligence and articulation of communicating skills. People just choose to be compassionate and not consider others as "unintelligent". At least to their faces. Reply PS - Your grandparents are disappointed with you. Reply

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It's not that serious

Reply View 2 more replies Media is selected frequencies to influence the masses, fetishization, inheritance of hatred (self and systematic) and glorification of violence and crime to insure it is imprinted. You don't stop imprinting. You are forever a product of your environment. Of what you consume. Subliminally and consciously. Reply 6h De not justifying any action or state of being Reply Hide replies 3 1

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Nerd alert!

Everyone here is way cooler than me. I'm reading quantum physics books and cosmology stuff. Sorry y'all I'm the nerd ❤❤

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Oh please…

• 2h Well, I guess we all have our crosses to bear. I am condescending, others are helpless, anxiety ridden and constantly looking for external validation. (Not you, just a large amount of redditors...) An argument can be made for the value of having a certain amount of confidence in one's own opinions. Yeah.. I probably was a bit unnecessarily condescending. But in my doting years, I also believe that people are less self sufficient than they used to be, and social media is a major cause of that. Sometimes that opinion just splooges out of me. Annnnnnnnndd.. I'm spent. -1

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He's deviating alright

Demonstrably false, on the first count. The second may be true, but the occupational nonsense is silly. There aren't 100 million female doctors and lawyers on the PLANET. If you want to pick a fight, though - I'm always game. I'm an Engineer and Entrepreneur, former child prodigy, with an IQ 3 std devs right of the median. I've met 3 people in my life whose intellect "towered over" my own - 1 was a billionaire, the other two were fairly obscure nobel laureates. Guy's post is funny - chuckle and move on.

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Certified intellectuals here!

just 641 comments 5/2 My friends say Lord of the rings bored them... goodness maybe is not worth being their friends 814 ✓ 5/3 it's because these kinds of films require great intellect to be appreciated. my siblings don't like watching with me too cuz they don't like complex movies and stuff. they just like superficial things. 59 Agree! 5/3 5/3 4 in short we r intellectuals HAHAHAH, so keep going and just have a great time !! Add comment... e @

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