
25 Self-Proclaimed Intellectuals Making Social Media A Dumber Place


Published April 12, 2024

Published April 12, 2024

If you feel the need to recite a thesaurus to convince fellow internet users that you're smart, you're probably not the most intelligent person. These 25 people will never believe they're not smart, and they feel the need to prove their intelligence (completely unprompted) just to shame others for not believing their Flat Earth model is real. They'll often try to correct the "mistakes" in other people's comments and tell them they should be thankful someone so smart is taking the time to help them understand better, especially when these "smart" people clearly have no idea what they're talking about. When you start throwing around words like "paradigm," you're probably overcompensating for something.

It's likely that the following people are under the age of 13, or that they're just really not that smart. Their declarations of intelligence are full of typos, self-absorbed attitudes, and some of the most ridiculous claims about their own brainpower that people could come up with. Here are some of our favorite times someone thought they were smarter than you and just had to share their knowledge with the masses.

After This Guy Called Someone "Low IQ" for Being a Woman

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Mathematician

(Source: Reddit)

People Keep Asking, Huh?

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Be a Low-Thinker

(Source: Reddit)

It's a Curse

(Source: Reddit)

Just Trying to Be Helpful

(Source: Reddit)

He Solved It For Us

(Source: Reddit)

Superiority Complex

(Source: Reddit)

No One Else Knows What the Moon is

(Source: Reddit)

New Subscribers Get a Free Cat Scan

(Source: Reddit)

When You Flip to Random Pages of the Dictionary

(Source: Reddit)

Too Smart for Music

(Source: Reddit)

Should We Tell Them?

(Source: Reddit)

You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Oppenheimer

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Genius in Our Time

(Source: Reddit)

Ugh, 131's

(Source: Reddit)

Big Brain

(Source: Reddit)

Oh God

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Knows it All

(Source: Reddit)

A Classic

(Source: Reddit)

Oppenheimer Was Too Simple

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: dumb people, /r/iamverysmart, reddit, intellectuals, annoying, cringe, cringeworthy,