
25 Shameless 'Choosing Beggars' Making Huge Demands

Two images from /r/choosingbeggars
Two images from /r/choosingbeggars

Published May 17, 2024

Published May 17, 2024

Where do some people get the audacity for the things they do? That's a question that may never be answered. It's common knowledge to know that there are crazy people out there, but there are a few different kinds. One of the worse kinds of people to have to deal with are 'choosing beggars'. This term is there to describe the kinds of people who never truly learned the meaning of the phrase "beggars can't be choosers." That is to say, these people will ask for anything and offer nothing in return.

They will expect everything to be handed to them, no questions asked, and some of them get real 'Karen' like when they aren't given these things. The scope of what they will ask for is huge. It could be anything from home decor to food to electronics to whole cars. It really doesn't matter. Free or cheap childcare is another popular one for these people. To see just how far some of these entitled people will go, Reddit's /r/ChoosingBeggars exposes them for all they do. Here are just 25 of those terribly annoying people, demanding the absolute most.

Brand name only

(Source: Reddit)

Games but no system is odd

(Source: Reddit)

This is all from the same person

(Source: Reddit)

This mirror exactly

(Source: Reddit)

Good Lord…

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds like she's hosting a barbecue

(Source: Reddit)

Good luck with that

(Source: Reddit)

These 'buy nothing' groups are wack

(Source: Reddit)

That's pretty specific

(Source: Reddit)

You must not need food that bad then

(Source: Reddit)

Shouldn't have given anything at all

(Source: Reddit)

Mail a free item, please

(Source: Reddit)


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Cheap product and labour

(Source: Reddit)

The caps makes it more convincing

(Source: Reddit)

Some people must not realize how expensive some stuff is

(Source: Reddit)

So… housesitting

(Source: Reddit)

"I volunteer for an organization that provides a hot home cooked dinner for families in need. This woman thought I was her errand girl."

(Source: Reddit)

Looked fine

(Source: Reddit)

Bottled water for the cats

(Source: Reddit)

Not how that works

(Source: Reddit)

Where do people get the audacity?

(Source: Reddit)

iPhone 8 and above

(Source: Reddit)

Delivery for something free will never make sense

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggars, entitled people, facebook, fb, playstation, food, harry potter, lego, kindle, stanley cups, kickstarter, messenger, craigslist, photoshop, kids, easter, entitlement, insane people, hmmm, sigh, facepalm, collections,