
25 Shower Thoughts We've Never Thought Of Before

Two images from /r/showerthoughts
Two images from /r/showerthoughts

Published January 06, 2025

Published January 06, 2025

When alone and in the quiet, the mind works in mysterious ways. People are busy for most of their day. Whether they are working, cleaning, exercising, or doing some other hobby, they are preoccupied. When all alone with nothing to do, though, the brain thinks of things it wouldn't have otherwise. Shower thoughts are the kinds of thoughts that occur when someone is doing absolutely nothing of sheer importance or hurry, like having a shower, for example.

They are the kinds of deep thoughts that leave people wondering, and they don't really have a clear answer or solution. They can be described as miniature epiphanies. While they may be thoughts, they tend to leave people with more questions than answers. Shower thoughts are unique, and they keep people guessing.

Shower thoughts are better with friends. So, many courteous deep-thinkers have shared their best shower thoughts online for all to see and think about. Here are 25 of them that everyone will enjoy.

It's inevitable

(Source: Reddit)

High IQ thought

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Doesn't seem fair

(Source: Reddit)

Never thought of that

(Source: Reddit)

Might become creepy

(Source: Reddit)

They really messed up

(Source: Reddit)

There's a difference

(Source: Reddit)

Very impractical

(Source: Reddit)

Head start

(Source: Reddit)

Big whale

(Source: Reddit)

Let's start

(Source: Reddit)

Do most people not know?

(Source: Reddit)

Bread is not just bread

(Source: Reddit)

It's true

(Source: Reddit)

Makes sense

(Source: Reddit)

Monkey business

(Source: Reddit)

How come?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Let's try it

(Source: Reddit)

Oddly true

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Brutal out there

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: shower thoughts, /r/showerthoughts, hmmm, mildly interesting, /r/hmmm, interesting, interesting thoughts, reddit,