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25 Shower Thoughts You've Never Thought Of Before

Have you ever been all alone, by yourself, in the quiet and started thinking of some really strange, deep things? Shower thoughts are the kinds of thoughts that come to mind only when you're all alone, deep in thought. They are usually questions or inquiries that don't have a true answer or solution to them. They're sometimes confusing and usually raise even more questions. They're the kind of things people don't think about on a regular basis, making them interesting to read.

For anyone who wants to get deep, Reddit's /r/showerthoughts is a subreddit full of these kinds of thoughts. This subreddit invites users to share all of their deepest and most inquiring thoughts that they come up with during the day. Some of them will make you wonder, others will make you uncomfortable and some are just amusing little facts. So here are 25 shower thoughts we have never thought of before, and you probably haven't either.

It's true

Showerthoughts + Join Posted by badRLplayer. The average woman sees more blood in her lifetime than the average man. 13K upvotes Comment ②Copy link View 827 comments reddit

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I don't like this…

Showerthoughts Posted by Busteray. + Join reddit Because of Al video generation. Throughout the entire thousands of years of human history, "video proof" is only gonna be a thing for around a hundred years. 13K upvotes Comment Copy link View 398 comments

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Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by dudenotnude . Our knowledge about serial killers is only from those that were caught, which means we don't know how the professional serial killers are like. 12K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 668 comments

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Good point

Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by bloodknife92 ⚫ If you could stop time, you would not be able to see anything because light would stop moving. 11K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 723 comments

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Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by TheSmoking Horse. It's likely that some small percentage of people who died during an emergency operation died because the surgeon just wasn't really feeling it that day. 11K upvotes Comment ②Copy link View 478 comments

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Should we change that?

Showerthoughts + Join Posted by scarr3g⚫ reddit Gravestones are backwards. They are positioned so you have to stand on the dead to read them. They should be at the foot of the grave. 10K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 463 comments

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Think about it

Showerthoughts Posted by rayjaywolf. + Join reddit The "best movies of all time" discussions are usually dominated by older movies (pre-2000), while the "best TV shows of all time" discussions are dominated by relatively modern shows. 9.2K upvotes Comment ②Copy link View 602 comments

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Normalize love bipods

Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by bravehamster. Most love triangles are actually love bipods. A true love triangle would have everyone in love with everyone else. 7.4K upvotes Comment ②Copy link View 317 comments

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Eat more

reddit Showerthoughts Posted by Brand Heck • + Join Most superheroes couldn't eat fast enough to maintain their caloric needs. 6.9K upvotes Comment ②Copy link View 478 comments

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Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by Periodic-Inflation ⚫ Email addresses with unadulterated first and last names (no punctuation or numbers) will probably dwindle and die out with millennials. 6.4K upvotes Comment Copy link View 708 comments

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It'd be funny though

Showerthoughts Posted by blockandawe. + Join reddit If they get a jury duty summons, the stranded astronauts have the best and also least-believable-sounding reason they can't serve. 6K upvotes Comment Copy link View 126 comments

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Did a spider write this?

Showerthoughts Posted by roosterkun⚫ + Join reddit Every time you kill a spider, you are playing a small part in reinforcing the process of natural selection, and thereby making future generations of spiders harder to kill. 5.1K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 340 comments

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Cheese, too

Showerthoughts Posted by starm4nn. + Join reddit The person who first discovered that Wine gets better with age probably just forgot it in a basement somewhere and really lucked out at a party. 5K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 144 comments

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Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by hamburgersocks. If you put a burger patty with slices of cheese, tomato, onions, and lettuce on a tortilla it's kinda weird. But if you chop all of it up, it's a taco 4.5K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 256 comments

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Doing pretty well

Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by kimtaengsshi9. Modern humans are an unusually successful species, considering we're the last of our genus. 4.3K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 318 comments

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That's kind of sad

Showerthoughts + Join Posted by SmackEh. There are blind people with photographic memories and they don't know it. 4.1K upvotes Comment Copy link View 116 comments reddit

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Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by goodluck_canuck Weight loss demands a "lifestyle change", but most of the time we are happy with 99.9% of the lifestyle... minus the fat part. 4K upvotes Comment Copy link View 239 comments

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Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by DiegesisThesis • Spit and drool are to saliva what lava is to magma. 3.9K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 67 comments

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It's the hard truth

Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by snorkiebarbados. Raygun is the most famous breakdancer of our time. 3K upvotes Comment Copy link View 248 comments

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Insane idea

Showerthoughts Posted by 19wolf. + Join Maybe we should start fighting for a lower maximum wage. 2.8K upvotes Comment Copy link View 367 comments reddit

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Nothing is really free

Showerthoughts + Join reddit Posted by Toasty Pillowsack ⚫ The price to genuinely try something and see if you like it, whether it's a video game or career path, is absurdly high. 2.8K upvotes Comment ②Copy link View 255 comments

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It's all relative

Showerthoughts + Join Posted by dudenotnude . Cold coffee and warm beer have the same temperature. 2.6K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 113 comments reddit

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Showerthoughts + Join Posted by ioveri⚫ reddit You can measure your lifespan accurately, but it comes with a price. 2.5K upvotes Comment ②Copy link View 96 comments

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I'll be changing mine

Showerthoughts Posted by joeChump. + Join reddit Since smartphones, hundreds of millions of people must be waking up to the exact same alarm sound. 2.4K upvotes Comment 2 Copy link View 175 comments

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Showerthoughts Posted by The7footr⚫ + Join reddit You're not alone, someone else probably has that song stuck in their head too... 2.2K upvotes Comment Copy link View 362 comments

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