
25 Silly Signs And Notices Spotted In Public

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published 3 months ago

Published 3 months ago

Signs cover a lot of the world's surface. Signs are used for all kinds of reasons. They are used to advertise businesses and inform customers of sales. Signs are used to guide people on the roads and on paths, they are also used to caution people. In general, signs are very important to society. The thing about signs, though, is that they aren't very pretty. Signs are a necessary evil. They take up natural space and block the pretty scenes of nature. So, what's the solution to this dilemma? Making signs funny.

Making signs entertaining or silly isn't only going to make people listen to and notice them more, but it also makes them easier to tolerate. Everyone has seen a silly sign in public before and probably remembered it more than any other basic sign. The other plus side, for the sign-havers, is that they will be shared to places like Reddit's /r/funnysigns, giving them even more attention. Here are 25 silly signs and notices that people were happy to see in the wild.

Who's trying it?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What happened?

(Source: Reddit)

…Got it

(Source: Reddit)

Almost never

(Source: Reddit)

The irony

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I agree

(Source: Reddit)

Is this a riddle?

(Source: Reddit)

Safety first

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta read the fine print

(Source: Reddit)

Some people…

(Source: Reddit)

What a guy

(Source: Reddit)

It's group therapy

(Source: Reddit)

All the needed supplies

(Source: Reddit)

So sad

(Source: Reddit)

I'd like to know

(Source: Reddit)

Me too

(Source: Reddit)

They're out there…

(Source: Reddit)

This is true

(Source: Reddit)

I need a nap

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The struggle

(Source: Reddit)

I wonder who made this list…

(Source: Reddit)

She knew…

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny signs, /r/funnysigns, restaurant, teachers, school, church signs, one job, you had one job, facepalm, signage, passive aggresive, hmmm, mildly interesting, /r/mildlyinteresting, signs, interesting signs, strange signs, collections,