Two images from /r/thanksimcured

25 Simple 'Solutions' To Big Problems

It's always easy to tell who has experience with a problem and who does not based on the advice they give. Some people think they know everything and that their lifestyle is the only one that should be lived. When looking for advice online, a lot of it has to be taken with a grain of salt because most people don't have a clue. Especially when it comes to big problems like mental health concerns and lifestyle changes. People who have no problems in these areas think that no one else should either, it's all in their heads! They aren't afraid to say that, either. Some of the "motivational" and "inspiring" posts and comments made online by these hustle culture people are truly out-of-touch.

It's actually pretty cringeworthy to see how they live their lives. Reddit's /r/thanksimcured is a sarcastically titled subreddit where people post all of the worst advice and bits of motivation they find on the internet. Here are just 25 of those quotes and ideas that no one should be taking seriously.

Just enjoy life

daily-spooky Yesterday What's The Purpose PURPOSE OF Life? Simply To ENJOY IT. 'All Bvt... BUT ITS HARD Enjoy & it'll Be EASIER Artwork by: Gusfink GUSTINK

(Source: Reddit)

Exercise cures all

heythemnaji 21h + I studied Psychology and I believe exercise is more effective in treating mental health issues than medication. 2.1K Q320 250 42 2h And now you're selling social media post templates, so maybe your opinions on healthcare aren't worth all that much. 509 Q13 4 ☑

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When you're insecure about something, and people tell you "Just don't care what people think!" my goodness, what an idea why didnt i think of that.

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Wow, thanks

The Art of Mental Creation Happiness depends on your attitude, not on what you have.

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Classic parent line

heislikefireburningthroughtime: my mum just told me to "stop being so depressed all the time" STARECAT.COM never have to WOW IM be sad again CURED no more tears A++ parenting

(Source: Reddit)

Just stop complaining


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It's all in your head, remember

Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone. WWW.LIVELIFEHAPPY.COM

(Source: Reddit)

So this is insane

.18h Depression for men is really just a sign someone isn't working hard enough. If you're constantly grinding you don't really have time to process all the noise around you. The Arnold documentary is a good example of that, just constant movement. 46 103 1.1K lil 47K ☐ 1

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Whatever you say

pacartare .6h Life is simple. It is a mirror. The more joyful you feel, the more good comes from you. When your life isn't going well, all it is is a signal that you need to move into a higher vibrational state. Life is magnetically pulling you to become your highest self. ○ 5 1767 521 ili 23K ☐ 1

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So easy, guys

Yes Can you do something about it? Yes Do you have a problem? No No Then don't worry.

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Thanks, mystery person

1:58 Post 95 @WagwarnSunshine You can do it, you just have to try 12:39 PM - 9/20/24 3.1K Views 1 Quote 1 Like ● 27 ཁ <]

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Why that background?

Millionaires Stories Millionaires Stories Dirty water doesn't stop plants from growing, so don't let negative words stop your progress.

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, airport

I When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. POSITIVESIGNS.NET.AU EPOSITVESIGNSAU | #POSITIVESIGNS -Henry Ford Adelaide Airport

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no offense but I've decided I'm gonna stop being sad and start being unbelievably powerful, creative, and full of love & light

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This teenager has it figured out

r/teenagers u/Despicable-Pen5515.27m Your not depressed, your life doesn't s, your just lazy. Discussion Join I know that their are many people who are actually depressed, but so people on this sub bitchc and whine about how bad their life is but in reality they are just lazy. Eating healthy, having a consistent and healthy sleep schedule, keeping up with your school or work, going outside, physical exercise, social interaction, having hobbies, not sitting for hours and hours on end, and not consuming too much caffeine are all basically essential for a healthy life. Mfs on this sub will go all day at school not talking to anyone, go home, sit and watch "discord memes" all day, and only eat Cheetos or smthn, and then complain about how their life is so bad Ofc I know some people are disabled or have eating disorders and can't do some of these things, and I know people that are actually depressed will have a hard time doi my some of these, but you can just say your "to silly" or smthn to go to bed before 2 am and then complain that your life ss -2 4 R

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Just three questions?!

Ask Yourself These 3 Questions... STPHOP STL M 1. Are you grateful? 2. Do you exercise discipline in your life? 3. Do you have a clear, defined mission/purpose? Ask yourself these three questions when you feel "off" or "down." It's extremely hard to feel bad when you have all three of these elements working harmoniously for you. Guaranteed.

(Source: Reddit)

Listen to the blue glove

Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice.

(Source: Reddit)

Life on hard mode

gth for the strength to endurs Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. pra st to e ife. tr th ure a tone. Don rav for an easy pray for the strength dure a to Do a PH to Cli S

(Source: Reddit)

This is kind of funny

.18h my therapist gave me this and said, "that's you" IN CASE OF FIRE USE STAIRWAY TO EXT DO NOT TELEVATOR 2.5K 17 58K 620K Il 14M

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Calm down

Get educated and get off psychiatric meds, read their side effects!!! Walk, eat well, find a chaplain type person, find out who's on your plate that wants you to fail, yes, wants you to fail!!! There are options!!!! Reply 8

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We're all deciding to suffer

305 10 40505 7020 you suffer as long as you decide to

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Walking fixes everything

Tired? go for a walk Bored? go for a walk Addicted to your phone? go for a walk Overweight? go for a walk Vegan? go for a walk Craving drugs, pc..., etc? go for a walk Need to think? go for a walk Stomach ache? go for a walk No friends? go for walk Walking is the answer to most problems... One of the most magical health cures in the world. 6:06 AM Sep 11, 2024 93.8K Views Subscribe

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That helps

#adhd just a reminder that when you're academically stressed, remember how privileged you are to call that your biggest stress pleW FRO FOURN

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• 43m ago No one has more or less anxiety than everyone else Some people just know how to get over their anxiety and live their life -5 Reply

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Just shhhhh

.... See more There's power in your tongue. Stop talking about how tired, broke, and depressed you are. Speak on how grateful you are. 186K 2.5K comments 69.6K shares

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