
25 Simple Tasks Given To Incompetent Employees

Two people who couldn't do their one job
Two people who couldn't do their one job

Published April 03, 2024

Published April 03, 2024

Going to work and actually doing your job can sometimes be a difficult thing to manage. We all have those days when other things are going on, and we just can't seem to focus. Sometimes, it makes us feel bad about the work we're putting out there, with constant second-guessing and a lot of self-esteem issues in the workplace. But fortunately, these fears are overblown. The truth is, it gets a lot worse out there, and people somehow get away with the most ridiculous things.

Some people probably should not have jobs, but somehow do. With some of the things people do on their off-days, it's honestly amazing these people haven't been fired yet. It's even wilder when these fails take place in a public area or on the front of a nationally-distributed product. If you're ever feeling bad about your own work ethic, just take a look at the following images, because it's clear that these people couldn't have cared less.

Not Very Professional

(Source: Reddit)

Crossword Puzzle

(Source: Reddit)

Hint Hint

(Source: Reddit)

How Did I Miss the Last Nine World Wars?

(Source: Reddit)

So Sick of Seeing This

(Source: Reddit)

Lo Ha, Coming Soon

(Source: Reddit)

USA Pillow Has 47 States

(Source: Reddit)

Two F4 Keys

(Source: Reddit)

Fire Alarm Caught Firee

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How Much Will I Get Paid?

(Source: Reddit)

Sorting into the Same Container

(Source: Reddit)

Very Useful, Thank You

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Interesting PlayStation You've Got There

(Source: Reddit)

When You Truly Couldn't Care Less

(Source: Reddit)

Manhole Cover

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ran Out

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Real Nice

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: one job, you had one job, /r/onejob, fail, facepalm, collections,