25 'Star Wars' Prequel Memes For Every Fan

The Star Wars movies and franchise as a whole is something that lives near and dear to the hearts of many. So many people grew up watching and loving Star Wars, and have remained fans until now. Everyone can enjoy Star Wars, and honestly it is odd to meet someone who hasn't at least seen one of the movies at some point. Even currently there are still Star Wars shows coming out, so there is something to look forward to and watch at all times.
The fanbase and love for the franchise is likely never going to die out, so why not make more memes about it? Reddit's /r/PrequelMemes is just one of the many Star Wars meme-centered subreddits out there. This subreddit only allows memes to be posted that are related to the prequel movies and shows. Love them or hate them, they are classics. Here are 25 Star Wars prequel memes that every fan can enjoy.