
25 Statements That Are A Little Too Specific

Two images from /r/oddlyspecific
Two images from /r/oddlyspecific

Published April 05, 2024

Published April 05, 2024

Things can get really specific sometimes. From time to time something will pop up, maybe a question from someone online, or a cautionary sign from a store, that will just be so specific that it becomes a little suspicious. Kind of like the sorts of questions people ask that end with "asking for a friend" because they're usually a little odd. It isn't only questions though. Sometimes, it's actually sort of impressive how specific some people can get about things.

From a description of someone's appearance, a situation no one would ever expect to be in, it's wonderful the way some people's brains work to come up with such a peculiarly odd statement. That's the kind of content that can be found on Reddit's /r/OddlySpecific. It features all of the strangely specific things that can be found both in real life and on the internet. Here are just 25 of those odd, unexplainable, yet utterly entertaining moments of odd specificity.

How Long?

(Source: Reddit)

Uh… Okay

(Source: Reddit)

This Silly Sign

(Source: Reddit)

I Always Wanted to Go in One

(Source: Reddit)

(SHOE) or (FOOT)

(Source: Reddit)

Some Specific Demands

(Source: Reddit)

One Phrase Says a Whole Lot

(Source: Reddit)

He's An Alpha Male

(Source: Reddit)

Just for Reference

(Source: Reddit)

Strange Times

(Source: Reddit)

Good Point

(Source: Reddit)

Being An NPC Might Be Nice

(Source: Reddit)

It Is Odd

(Source: Reddit)

No More, No Less

(Source: Reddit)

It Can't Be Bad All the Time

(Source: Reddit)

There's Someone for Everyone

(Source: Reddit)

19.5 Only

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry? What?

(Source: Reddit)

It's Truly Something

(Source: Reddit)

Someone Made Poor Choices

(Source: Reddit)

Why Are Eggs Like This

(Source: Reddit)

10 Children and 10 Ducks? Or 10 Combined?

(Source: Reddit)

Inspiration for Today

(Source: Reddit)

My Drink of Choice

(Source: Reddit)

This Seems Like An Attack

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/oddlyspecific, oddly specific, hmmm, twitter, debt, food, facebook, fb, keto, diet, signs, funny signs, tinder, online dating, dating apps, work, jobs, sigma, alpha, family, tumblr, genie, text post, mario, mario kart, collections,