
25 Stories That Definitely Didn't Happen

Two images from /r/thathappened
Two images from /r/thathappened

Published 3 months ago

Published 3 months ago

Why do people choose to lie online? Better yet, why do they choose to lie so badly? People lie online all the time for many reasons. They could be doing it to push an agenda, they could be doing it for the reactions, or they could be doing it for some attention. These are all reasons for someone to tell a clearly fake story online. It's always so obvious when people are telling fake stories, they are always so terribly written and way too farfetched to even be possible. As cringeworthy as it is to see these people try to play their stories off as real, it's also kind of entertaining, in a weird way.

Reddit's /r/thatHappened is a subreddit where people can share the worst, most terribly written stories they find on the internet. Some of them are just embarrassing. Here are 25 stories that have no business being this unbelievable.

Everyone in line clapped

(Source: Reddit)

Did anyone ask?

(Source: Reddit)

I feel this is not true

(Source: Reddit)

A full pint

(Source: Reddit)

They were silenced

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Watch out for this guy

(Source: Reddit)

Of course everyone clapped

(Source: Reddit)

If this is true it's just funny

(Source: Redd)

Gimme a break

(Source: Reddit)

This is kind of weird

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The classic comment

(Source: Reddit)

Not sure that's something to brag about

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Very smart 10-year-old

(Source: Reddit)

This feels unlikely

(Source: Reddit)

This doesn't even make sense

(Source: Reddit)

Fairies are real

(Source: Reddit)

Talk to every stranger

(Source: Reddit)

Pink shirts

(Source: Reddit)

Surely that happened

(Source: Reddit)

No joke

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Smart kid questions toy store

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: that happened, /r/thathappened, fake stories, lying, facepalm, cringe, cringeworthy, dark scrolls, who asked, nobody asked, memes, renting, housing, reddit, linkedin, facebook, tiktok, lying people, people lying, liars, the internet, collections,