Two images from /r/thathappened

25 Stories That Definitely Didn't Happen

Why do people choose to lie online? Better yet, why do they choose to lie so badly? People lie online all the time for many reasons. They could be doing it to push an agenda, they could be doing it for the reactions, or they could be doing it for some attention. These are all reasons for someone to tell a clearly fake story online. It's always so obvious when people are telling fake stories, they are always so terribly written and way too farfetched to even be possible. As cringeworthy as it is to see these people try to play their stories off as real, it's also kind of entertaining, in a weird way.

Reddit's /r/thatHappened is a subreddit where people can share the worst, most terribly written stories they find on the internet. Some of them are just embarrassing. Here are 25 stories that have no business being this unbelievable.

Everyone in line clapped

fondly remembering that time I was working as a cashier when I was 19-20 and my former bus driver and his wife came through. He says to me "Hey, you look familiar" and I reply "Yes, I was one of the bus kids you drove, specifically the one you screamed at and threatened to ban from the bus and make walk home because I was crying out in pain while the other kids were ripping huge chunks of hair out of my head but you did nothing about them." and his wife slowly looked at him like this

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Did anyone ask?

3m ago Look, I know this is unrelated and all, but I just completed Dark scrolls with my eyes closed and now I get 5 s a day. Girls can't get enough of me ○ ✩ -72 Reply > Award ✓ Share OP - 2m ago Okay? 22 ☐ Reply Award Share ...

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I feel this is not true

2m ago I mean, you literally have to break local laws to do so, in a country that is extremely authoritarian. A girl I knew was in China for an internship, and while on a train her camera was stolen. She told one of the staff and they had the train stop and local police came to search the passengers for the camera. They found it in the luggage of this guy, who was then pulled out of the train and they executed him right there. Shot him right in the head. She was traumatized and left the country as soon as she could. And yeah, this happened like 15 years ago, but this is the type of country you're advocating for. This kind of stuff still happens, just a little more behind closed doors than it used to. Foreigners may not be as affected, but punishments can still be very harsh. As amazing a country China is to visit, it's not the best place to live if you're bound to break local laws in order to make a living. 1 Reply Award Share

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A full pint

I was asked by a barman in the Highlands if I wanted a half pint, I said "no sir, I want a full pint", the barman hollers out "this young lady wants a full pint"...well, several people cheered, and my first pint was paid for. Great way to start the evening. 6d Like Reply 286

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They were silenced

Σ -] MIKE JONES @who_MIKEJONES Follow 00 I lived there at the time. AT&T data building had records from the 2020 I know firemen who were instructed to hose down the servers on all floors, permanently corrupting the data. One mentioned this was against their training and protocols. They were silenced. Post your reply

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The bank says I can't afford a $1200 mortgage so I pay $2000 in rent instead They said my credit score was not enough to get a loan, and my reply was to show them that the only "not enough" thing was their security/encryptation systems by stealing all the data from all of their servers/back ups before making them to delete everything they have and selling what i got to North Korea, lol.

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Watch out for this guy

From iamverybad community on Reddit I was approached by an odd looking 20 something guy that said "F dude, how tall are you, you're huge?" I said "6'3 with my boots on." He said "Wanna join our BLM movement to stir up more " I took off my sunglasses and glazed hard at him and showed him my belt buckle. He screamed like a little girl and ran off! He knew an a kicking beat down was next for him. DON' SAD

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Of course everyone clapped

Not gonna lie y'all. I have been in a dark place recently with everything going on with my previous job. Yesterday, I went to a concert by myself and the DJ played "When Love Takes Over" by Kelly Rowland. I danced harder than I ever have. People came to dance with me, they gave me flowers, and they all clapped for me when the song finished. I don't know how to explain it, but I really feel like that song and moment saved my life. Like Comment Send

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If this is true it's just funny

I needed a big pile of dirt hauled away and the "free dirt" sign did nothing for three days. Changed it to this and it's almost all gone within 1.5 hours. Thank you baby Jesus. FREE MIRACLE DIRT JESUS WALKED ON IT

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Gimme a break

Hikes this Asim 2nd CEO attendance app 1w. + Follow Around 15 years ago I needed to use a pen that was near my boss's desk - and so I asked him if it was his. He replied, "Asim, no, it's not mine, it's ours." I only realise it now, but I have been blessed to have had some incredible managers. Don't seek a great job, seek a great manager. 5,622 Like Comment Share

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This is kind of weird

10:35 22h ago 601 Follow 61 A while back my pharmacist saw my deadname on my profile and accidentially called it out, he corrected and deleted my deadname from the system so only my preferred name shows up now. There was a crowd of people behind me, so as he hands over the pills he apologized, in equal tone and volume as when he called my deadname and lied saying it's been a long day and he didn't mean to call out his own- name. I quietly told him it was fine and he didn't need to do that for my sake. His response: "No, it's my name now." I went to the pharmacist yesterday, his nametag is my deadname. He informed me he's immigrating and in the process he's changed his first name to my deadname to have an English sounding name. That's why he's now able to get a reprint of his nametag to be my deadname. And repeated, with the intense seriousness of someone who is going to die on this hill: "It's mine now. Not yours. I'm taking." His tone indicated that decision is final. Bro literally deadnamed me once, and has committed to flat out stealing my deadname. It's his now. Legally. Officially. I over heard his co- workers call him by the name.

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Mom was going down Parleys canyon on her way to work. Cops had a trucker pulled over and traffic was blocked. They were giving the driver a dui test. Mom was a medical professional. She saw the diabetic coma coming. Mom offered to help helped divert. Mom jacked the truck driver away from the cops. She sped him to the er with the cops chasing her. His family was so grateful. Mom was a hero that day Reply 5,826

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The classic comment

Skegness Vent Top contributor - 6h -> "Mummy, why are you buying more food for Nanny " .. " It's because she can't eat well AND heat herself " .... " Oh mummy is that because that wonderful man in charge is giving money to keep a war going - To house people who laugh at us in hotels - And give money to France for not doing their job"? ... " Yes darling, but shhh don't speak too loud, you would get in trouble if you're overheard"! Like Comment Send ✓ Share 80 Top comments Rebecca Hazelton @hinxminx "Everyone dies one day. Everyone. Even wolves. But not books. Not words. Words don't die." --my son, 3, who is a lot smarter than I am Jack McGarry @Jack McGarry99 Oh off Rebecca he did not say that 5h Like Reply

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Not sure that's something to brag about

6w When the girl I thought was my age at work said she has a daughter my age H Reply -S 6w 01 yeah soz, millennials do that (I've broken hearts like that by accident) Reply 9942 93

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+ 18h Today as I was walking my dog down the street a man decided to walk directly up to me and declare "you are a white lady with a black woman's body!" I didn't really want to engage (also I was on the phone) so I just smiled, I think this was suppose to be a compliment?! Q 76

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Very smart 10-year-old

1d Gabriel chose to watch the debate during lunch since I wouldn't let him last night. His 10 year old thoughts: "Mom, she looks good, she sounds good, it all looks appealing. But it's just like sin. Once you take a bite it kills you." Smart kid. 12 comments 3 shares 51 B Like ☐ Comment Send Share

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This feels unlikely

Extendalk just went out wearing my 1920s clothing and heard a girl ask her mom if i was a ghost to which her mom replied "no, i think thats just a lesbian" Х 68.2K 564 4294

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This doesn't even make sense

16h ⚫ Join A child pointed at me and cried because I wore my GF's shoes (I'm a guy) (her feet hurt) CK JONE

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Fairies are real

No joke I mediated here yesterday and tapped into the mycelium with and upside down head stand. And this sprouted over night Fairy ring 8

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Talk to every stranger

Met an older gentleman last week who was blown away by the Cybertruck. $TSLA The guy tried to hand me $100K to invest in $TSLA for him. Obviously, I couldn't do that, so he called his broker right there on the spot. Fast forward to today-ran into him while grabbing my morning coffee. He's already up 15%, pocketing $15K, and now he's planning to buy a Tesla. You never know what can happen when you strike up a conversation with someone! • 7:27 AM Sep 5, 2024 12.6K Views

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Pink shirts

8h. Already this morning!! At the grocery store to pick up foods for clients. In check out. 2 guys behind me. Guy 1: I don't think guys should wear pink! Me: (in my head) I'm wearing a pink shirt. Guy 2: I agree. (Scoffs) I slowly turn around and in the lowest, calmest voice ever: You guys looking to get your a s kicked by a guy in a pink shirt?? Them: Cashier: How are you? Me: I'm amazing, and I don't have any coupons... but I do have my Kroger card for fuel points. and 28 others Like ☐ Comment Send 6 comments Share

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Surely that happened

Last night, I went to a restaurant that I had been looking forward to dining at, but unfortunately, it was very crowded. The waiting time for a table was around 30 minutes, so I took out my phone and pretended to be engaged in a call. In a moment of mischief, I pretended to say loudly, "GET OVER HERE NOW HE'S WITH ANOTHER WOMAN!" To my surprise, six couples quickly got up and left. 15 5 comments Like Comment Send

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No joke

740 comments ☑ When i get angry my friends hold me back at school be im kinda strong and sometimes if I'm really angry my eyes turn half red no joke once my eyes turned red and we had to go in lockdown no joke. 8-7 Reply 107 B-baka...! Calm down baby cakes..! 22h Reply 42 10h Reply AINT NO WAYYY 4h Reply View 23 more v Hide 1 Ӧ P Add comment... @ 1

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Want to distract my cardiac alert dog? Okay! matched energy Context; I have a life threatening heart condition, I pass out extremely easy and my heart goes into dangerous rhythms without much warning. My service dog is trained to smell changes in my sweat, and alert me so I can take my emergency meds and get on the ground before I pass out. To the story: I was shopping at my local target, going about my business. Then this middle aged lady comes running up and starts saying "puppy puppy puppy! Look at me! Hi puppy!" And when he ignored her, she started yelling at me. I told her, "he is working, distracting him can be very dangerous for me." At this point, she makes that mouth agape, fish face, and starts going on about how I, "shouldn't force my dog to work, it's slavery, he's clearly unhappy, etc." (Service dogs wash out very early in training if they aren't the right fit mentally and physically for the job, high drive and high energy dogs thrive in work, it isn't abuse.) I go on to tell her that distracting him could lead to me going into cardiac arrest if he misses an alert. Her response, "I don't care! If you don't want him getting attention, you shouldn't bring him in public!" My response will forever be something I'm proud of. "Okay! Well if you think it's okay, how about I reach into your chest, and start petting and distracting your heart? You shouldn't go out in public if you don't want people messing with your ability to live!" She gave a disgusted and confused look, scoffed, and walked away muttering something about me being a freak, and how unfair it is. TLDR: Karen wants to distract my cardiac alert dog, potentially causing my death. I asked how she'd like it if I reached into her chest, and started distracting her heart!

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Smart kid questions toy store

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