
25 Stories That Probably Aren't True At All

Two images from /r/thathappened
Two images from /r/thathappened

Published March 07, 2025

Published March 07, 2025

It seems like some folks really do live some crazy lives. How do some people have so many insane things happen to them? For some, it seems like something wild is constantly happening to them. Something weird is being said to them, or they embark on some odd adventure, or they just happen to come across some miraculous event. However, don't some of these stories seem a little… suspicious? There is no way many of these crazy stories are true. Knowing how some people are, it is safe to say that a lot of the silly stories people tell online are not true at all.

People lie online all the time. People lie to make themselves look like good people, others lie to push an agenda that they are passionate about, and some people lie just to get some attention from the public. Honestly, attention and brownie points are likely the biggest reasons people choose to lie and make up stories online. It's cringeworthy, but it's true. At least it is kind of entertaining to see.

These definitely fake stories pop up on every social media site, and they are always so bad. So. much so, that people choose to share them with the world, so everyone can laugh. Here are 25 cringeworthy stories that are so fake it hurts.

They did not say that

(Source: Reddit)

Did they though?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We got a bad boy over here

(Source: Reddit)

Definitely not staged

(Source: Reddit)

And everyone clapped

(Source: Reddit)

Is this for sale?

(Source: Reddit)

This for sure happened

(Source: Reddit)

This was hard to read

(Source: Reddit)

He was thrown out

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The cheese incident

(Source: Reddit)

It was a test

(Source: Reddit)

How do people come up with this stuff?

(Source: Reddit)

Genius child

(Source: Reddit)

Is that so?

(Source: Reddit)

The same guy…

(Source: Reddit)

Alright, buddy, that's enough

(Source: Reddit)

So quirky

(Source: Reddit)

He had no idea

(Source: Reddit)

Local minded

(Source: Reddit)

Then they all clapped

(Source: Reddit)

The principal clapped

(Source: Reddit)

Wow, good for you

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: that happened, fake stories, cringe, facepalm, reddit, the internet, karens, social media, comments, cursed comments, bad stories, insane people,