Two images from /r/hmmm.

25 Strange Images Taken Out Of Context

A lot of the time when someone takes a photo, there is a reason for it. Usually, photos are either self-explanatory or they come with a caption to explain them. Context is important for many reasons, but the biggest is so that people aren't confused. Sometimes, though, it's okay to add a little bit of wonder to the world. When a photo is taken out of context, it creates a sort of abstract art piece that can be hard to explain. There is no saying for sure when, where or why the photo was taken — it's totally up to the viewer's imagination.

There is a place on the internet made for these strange photos. Reddit's /r/hmmm is a subreddit that describes itself as "internet as art," and that is the perfect way to categorize it. None of the photos inside have any context meaning it is totally up to the viewer to decide what they mean. So take a walk through the Internet's art gallery with these 25 strange and confusing images.

How I'm trying to be

(Source: Reddit)

Whose birthday is it?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Extreme planking

(Source: Reddit)

Driving in comfort

(Source: Reddit)

This will be a tough one

(Source: Reddit)

Uh, okay

(Source: Reddit)


LI Aave

(Source: Reddit)

Big mood

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Help them

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta go


(Source: Reddit)

A totally level playing field

0 00000 Fr

(Source: Reddit)

That core strength though

(Source: Reddit)

That's one way to do it

yding ndes Light BUIDS UNIT UNIT PUBLIC وتريد

(Source: Reddit)

Just chilling


(Source: Reddit)

Don't try this at home


(Source: Reddit)

Who did this?

(Source: Reddit)

I've been saying this


(Source: Reddit)

The island


(Source: Reddit)

Everyone will see him coming


(Source: Reddit)

That's the sergeant

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Aspiring ballerina


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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