
25 Strange Photographs With No Context

Two images from /r/hmmm
Two images from /r/hmmm

Published April 09, 2024

Published April 09, 2024

Sometimes some photos just have no context behind them. A photo will pop up on the internet with no rhyme or reason and leave viewers with more questions than answers. These kinds of photos can contain just about anything. They can be animals in predicaments, people being… odd, or something interesting found in the wild. But one thing they have in common is they create a sort of confusion. Why was it taken? What happened prior to the photo? There really are no answers to those questions, so maybe it's best left up to the imagination.

Reddit's /r/Hmmm is a hot spot for everything strange and unusual when it comes to photos and images. There are some bizarre sights on there that are more like pieces of art than memes or photography. Here are just 25 of those unusual photos taken by someone in the right place at the right time.

Long dog

(Source: Reddit)

Efficient clean up

(Source: Reddit)

Nap time

(Source: Reddit)

That isn't right

(Source: Reddit)

What happened here?

(Source: Reddit)

Oh no

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Stocked up

(Source: Reddit)

Slightly nauseating

(Source: Reddit)

A peculiar specimen

(Source: Reddit)

That's fire

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Safety first

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh God

(Source: Reddit)

A frying pan phone case

(Source: Reddit)

Patchwork road

(Source: Reddit)

A very specifically made door

(Source: Reddit)

Accurate sign

(Source: Reddit)

For sleeping on display

(Source: Reddit)

A perfect fit

(Source: Reddit)

He's upset

(Source: Reddit)

How do you even manage to do this?

(Source: Reddit)

The new Apple Watch

(Source: Reddit)

Who was this made for?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/hmmm, hmmm, dogs, animals, interesting, cows, awww, cats, hair, haircut, kids, travel, planes, mildly interesting, oddly specific, funny signs, cars, one job, food, stupid food, you had one job, mildly infuriating, photograph, collections,